Corporate governance at walmart

  • Ethics & Integrity
    From ensuring the food and products we sell are safe; to using technology and data ethically and responsibly; to investigating concerns raised by our customers, associates and stakeholders, our commitments are embedded into every action we take.
    Read more about our Commitment to Ethics and Integrity.
Apr 20, 2023Walmart's ApproachMaintaining a majority independent Board with diverse backgrounds and relevant experiences and skillsEffective Board and  Key MetricsRelevance to Our Business Walmart's Approach

Does Walmart have a board of directors?

Walmart’s Board of Directors ("Board") has oversight responsibility for our company’s business strategy and strategic planning

What does a CEO do at Walmart?

For more information go to: stock walmart com/investors/ corporate-governance

In our governance structure, the CEO is responsible for the general management, supervi- sion and control of the business and general afairs of our com- pany, including the execution of Board directives and reso- lutions


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