Cooperative government office

  • What is the CRCS?

    Office of Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies (CRCS) Ministry of Cooperation..

  • Who is the current Minister of Cooperative and Local Government?

    The Department of Cooperative Governance is mandated to develop and monitor the implementation of national policy and legislation aimed at transforming and strengthening key institutions and mechanisms of governance in national, provincial and local government to fulfil their developmental role; develop, promote and .

  • Cooperatives are businesses owned and con- trolled by the people who use them.
    Coopera- tives differ from other businesses because they are member owned and operate for the benefit of members, rather than earn profits for investors.
    Like other businesses, most coopera- tives are incorporated under State law.
1) Government intervention is crucial in building cooperative ecosystems in poor area. But Government intervention is not invariable, the methods can be 
The CoGTA Ministry consists of the Department of Cooperative Governance (DCoG) and the Department of Traditional Affairs (DTA). The Municipal Demarcation Board  JobsAbout CoGTALocal Government Summit 2022CoGTA Tenders

What is a cooperative program?

The goal of the Cooperative Programs of USDA Rural Development is to promote understanding and use of the cooperative form of business

This is accomplished through education (including a large library of co-op publications), research and statistics, and technical assistance

We also administer programs that provide financial support to co-ops

Where can I find a directory of agricultural cooperatives?

Directory of Agricultural Cooperatives (Excel workbook directory of cooperatives, updated monthly)

Available upon request: coopinfo@usda gov

State Cooperative Statute Research Project (available upon request) Cooperatives are a world-class business development tool for creating robust, sustainable communities

Which USDA agencies help cooperatives?

Some other USDA agencies also have programs that help cooperatives, including the Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) and the Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service which is now known as the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)

What is a Co-op?


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