Corporate governance data factset

  • Is FactSet available for individuals?

    FactSet offers a comprehensive database of people including public and private corporate coverage, investment professionals, governments, and non-profits.
    FactSet's global coverage and scope of individuals are a differentiator in the marketplace..

  • What data does FactSet provide?

    FactSet combines data from a variety of financial information resources into one source, available to users online.
    FactSet's system provides market analytics, financial content, stock screening, customized data, and other features..

  • Why use FactSet?

    Why Choose FactSet? Don't settle for a basic market data provider.
    With FactSet, you'll have access to open, flexible technology, smart, connected content, and a team that works harder for you every day..

  • Clients.
    As of August 31, 2023, there were around 190,000 users of FactSet.
    The number of clients subscribed to FactSet stands over 7,900.
    The annual client retention rate stands at over 95%.
  • Why Choose FactSet? Don't settle for a basic market data provider.
    With FactSet, you'll have access to open, flexible technology, smart, connected content, and a team that works harder for you every day.
Aug 1, 2019The FactSet Corporate Governance DataFeed includes four packages that provide comprehensive corporate activism, takeover defense, and corporate 

The Coverage

The FactSet Corporate Governance DataFeed is divided into four distinct packages that provide comprehensive insights into thousands of companies. T…

The Differentiators

The granularity and coverage of the corporate governance data allows users to make accurate and timely assessments of a company’s takeover defenses a…

Example Use Case

FactSet Corporate Governance is used by a variety of firms, including investment banks, law firms, institutional investors, hedge funds, proxy solicitors, co…

Does empirical corporate governance need its own Winston Wolfe?

Empirical corporate governance needs its own Winston Wolfe

Over the last thirty years, the field has risen in prominence by quantifying what was traditionally thought unquantifiable—text from state laws, federal regulations, and firm-level governance documents—to measure the quality of governance

How many governance factors does ISS GQs use?

ISS GQS calls upon a library of more than 230 governance factors across its coverage universe, of which up approximately 120 are used for any one company as defined by the company’s region

Factor data is structured in a question and answer format

What is FactSet corporate governance datafeed?

The FactSet Corporate Governance DataFeed provides the transparency into granular aspects of corporate governance and activism, along with the scope and history, to empower deep analysis of takeover defense tactics and activism trends by users across investor types


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