Corporate governance ebrd

  • How does the EBRD work?

    Typically, EBRD management approve the project concept and overall structure, including the proposed financing structure and supporting obligations.
    At this stage, the EBRD and the client usually sign a mandate letter, which outlines the project plan, development expenses and responsibilities..

  • What is corporate governance in strategic investment decision making?

    One of the most important roles of corporate governance is to ensure that strategic decisions are made in the interest of those with a stake in successful outcomes..

  • What is the governance of the board of directors?

    In general, board governance refers to a set of principles, methods, and processes that are required to make strategic decisions in the organization's best interests while also providing oversight and accountability..

  • What is the role of board of directors in corporate governance?

    A board of directors considers important issues relating to the company, its shareholders, its employees, and the public.
    It's involved in: Helping a company to define objectives, establish major goals, and stay focused on its direction over time.
    The hiring and dismissal of senior executives and upper management..

  • In addition to fundamental theories of corporate governance such as agency theory, steward theory, hazard theory, stakeholder theory, resource dependence theory, transaction cost theory or political theory, the authors have identified the ethical theories that can be closely associated with corporate governance.
  • The organization was developed to help Eastern European and ex-Soviet countries develop free-market economies after the fall of communism.
    The EBRD works in 38 countries in Southern and Eastern Mediterranean, Central and Eastern Europe, and Central Asia.
The EBRD is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance. The concept of good corporate governance is at the heart of all activities here at  PresidentBudget and Administrative Financial and Operational Compliance

What does the EBRD senior leadership group do?

Our senior leadership group covers every aspect of the EBRD's business and advises the Executive Committee and President

Learn more Corporate governance The EBRD is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance

What is EBRD corporate governance?

The EBRD is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance

The concept of good corporate governance is at the heart of all activities here at the EBRD but principally in our activities as an investor and as a law reformer

Throughout the Bank, responsibilities and related controls are defined and delineated

What is EBRD's investment climate and Governance Initiative?

It aims to enhance transparency in business registration, and to streamline business regulation in order to reduce the administrative burden on firms

Learn about how the EBRD’s Investment Climate and Governance Initiative is tackling the challenge of investment climate and governance reform in countries of operations

Generally speaking, the EBRD is promoting good corporate governance through its banking operations and the Legal Transition Programme. Through banking operations Promoting good corporate governance through banking operations is realised in three different scenarios – equity investments, loans, and corporate reorganisation/insolvency.


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