Cooperative bank kenya governance

  • What is the mission of Cooperative Bank of Kenya?

    Our Mission
    To offer a wide range of innovative financial solutions leveraging on our heavy investment in multi-channels, national and regional presence and with a focus on excellent customer experience by a highly motivated and talented team..

  • What is the profile of cooperative bank of Kenya?

    The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Limited is incorporated in Kenya under the Company Act and is also licensed to do the business of banking under the Banking Act.
    The Bank was initially registered under the Co-operative Societies Act at the point of founding in 1965..

  • What is the social responsibility of cooperative bank?

    Co-operative banks foster self-help, responsibility and solidarity.
    They emphasize the common good of society.
    They were historically founded as an innovative answer to unequal access to financial services and the principle of mutualisation was a mean to emancipation..

  • Who is the manager of cooperative bank Kenya?

    Group Managing Director & CEO
    Dr Gideon Muriuki joined the Bank in 1996 as a Senior Corporate Manager then became Director, Corporate and Institutional Banking in 1999 before his appointment as Managing Director in 2001 with a clear mandate to return the Bank into profitable trading..

  • Who owns cooperative bank Kenya?

    CoopHoldings Cooperative Society Limited is a holding company owned by the cooperative societies within Kenya, who jointly own a controlling majority of shares totalling 65% of all company stock.
    The remainder is owned by individual and institutional investors through the Nairobi Securities Exchange..

  • Those values are self- help, self-responsibility, democracy, equality, equity and solidarity.
The bank is governed by an eighteen-person board of directors. John Murugu, one of the non-executive directors, is the chairman. The managing director and chief executive officer is Gideon Maina Muriuki, MBS.
As a bank that highly regards its vision and mission, we have ensured to have the best people in our leadership to uphold our values.Top ManagementGroup Board Of DirectorsBoard of Directors
Governance. The bank is governed by an eighteen-person board of directors. John Murugu, one of the non-executive directors, is the chairman. The managing director and chief executive officer is Gideon Maina Muriuki, MBS.

What is cooperative bank?

The bank serves the banking needs of individuals, small businesses and large corporations, focusing on the needs of cooperative societies in Kenya

Cooperative Bank is a large financial services institution

Its total assets were valued at US$3

9 billion (KES:404 15 billion)

What is the history of cooperative banking in Kenya?

The banking license was granted in 1968

The Kenya Government directed all cooperative societies in the country to transfer their deposits to the Cooperative Bank of Kenya and that all cooperatives buy the bank's shares

In 1977, the bank opened its first subsidiary: Cooperative Finance Limited

What is the opening balance requirement of Co-operative Bank of Kenya?

This is a Savings Account by Co-operative Bank of Kenya

The account has an opening balance requirement of KES 0 and monthly ledger fee of KES 0

Co-operative bank of Kenya bank network is highly noticeable with branches spread through the various major towns and cities in Kenya, Uganda, South Sudan and Ethiopia

The bank is governed by an eighteen-person board of directors. John Murugu, one of the non-executive directors, is the chairman. The managing director and chief executive officer is Gideon Maina Muriuki, MBS. He is assisted by seven other senior managers in supervising the day-to-day activities of the bank.


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