Corporate governance video clips

Does the BBC comply with corporate governance reporting requirements?

The BBC seeks to comply with corporate governance reporting requirements under section 172 of the Companies Act

Although the BBC is not a listed company, it has opted to apply best practice and follow the provisions of the Financial Conduct Authority’s Listing Rules and the UK Corporate Governance Code 2018 (‘the Code’), where appropriate

What are corporate governance reforms?

In 2001 and 2002, financial reporting scandals at major publicly-traded U

S corporations such as Enron and WorldCom fueled demand for wide-ranging corporate governance reforms

The changes proposed by public and private regulators have aimed to restore investor confidence, enhance management accountability, and improve shareholder value

Who is involved in corporate governance?

After dealing with the concepts, instruments (including soft law) and sources of corporate governance, the Article analyses the regulation and practice of the various actors in corporate governance: mainly the board and the shareholders, but also labor, gatekeepers (in particular the auditors), the supervisors and the courts


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