Corporate governance hot topics 2023

How will sustainability data governance and supervision affect dax40 boards in 2023?

Sustainability data governance and supervision will be key pillars for boards in 2023

From a governance perspective, DAX40 companies have already responded to these developments with a substantial increase in dedicated ESG supervisory board committees, which have tripled in 2022

What will corporate governance look like in 2023?

A little crystal-ball gazing can help leaders prepare for coming challenges and opportunities

A series of unconventional developments is likely to impact corporate governance in 2023

These extend beyond the usual subjects, such as shareholder activism, cybersecurity, cryptocurrency, ESG and politics

5 key predictions in corporate governance for 2023

  • 1. Increased ECB fines Businesses will face tougher punishment for economic crime, intentional or otherwise. ...
  • 2. Accuracy and honesty in Environmental Social Governance reporting ...
  • 3. The ‘woke’ culture clash ...
  • 4. Growing resistance to corporate failure and bad cultures ...
  • 5. Increased Inflation and recession ...


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