Corporate governance lodr regulations

  • What is the Regulation 50 of the LODR?


    1. The listed entity shall give prior intimation to the stock exchange(s) at least eleven working days before the date on and from which the interest on debentures and bonds, and redemption amount of redeemable shares or of debentures and bonds shall be payable

  • Who regulates corporate governance in India?

    SEBI monitors and regulates corporate governance of listed companies in India through Clause 49.
    This clause is incorporated in the listing agreement of stock exchanges with companies and it is compulsory for listed companies to comply with its provisions..

  • Business Details.
    Terms and conditions of appointment of independent directors.
    Composition of various committees of board of directors.
    Code of conduct of board of directors and senior management personnel.
Aug 8, 2019To know about - LODR Regulation 2018 is mandatory for every company for making safeguard environment of the Stakeholders.

What are Lodr regulations?

Further, LODR Regulations places obligations with respect to schemes of arrangement on listed entities, which inter-alia involves filing the draft scheme with Stock Exchange(s) and SEBI for obtaining their no-objection letter

Specifically, for corporate governance the primary regulations are the SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 (“LODR Regulations”), which impose a range of substantive requirements on listed companies, including compliance with the principles governing disclosures and obligations of listed companies, the rights of shareholders including special rights of minority shareholders and the responsibilities of the Board.


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