Copyright law review articles

  • Are articles protected by copyright?

    Copyright is a type of intellectual property which protects certain sorts of original creative work, including academic articles..

  • What are the flaws of copyright laws?

    In some cases, copyright laws can impose overly broad or restrictive limitations on the use of copyrighted material.
    This can create confusion and prevent individuals from engaging in activities that may fall within fair use or other permissible uses of copyrighted works..

  • About Fair Use
    Section 107 of the Copyright Act provides the statutory framework for determining whether something is a fair use and identifies certain types of uses—such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research—as examples of activities that may qualify as fair use.
Read the latest content about Copyright at Harvard Law Review.

Does fair use affect copyright?

The decision presented a troubling misapplication of the fair use factors and a greater misunderstanding of the goals of the copyright system, but some relief came in the Court’s explanation that its determination is limited in scope to the specific code at issue in the case and does not “overturn or modify its earlier cases involving fair use.” .


What does the Supreme Court say about copyright legislation?

We will soon find out what the Supreme Court has to say about this question.
Annual iterations of copyright legislation are slated to culminate in June 2022 when copyright owners can take their claims to a new venue and with less red tape.
In January 2021, Congress signed the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, into law.


What's going on with copyright in 2022?

Like so many things in 2021, a few long-awaited copyright developments have spilled into 2022, with anticipated amendments to key provisions in the Digital Millennium Copyright Act topping the list of legislation to watch.


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