Copyright law exam questions

  • What questions do you have about copyright?

    How do you check if something is copyrighted? We found out earlier that every original creative work is “copyrighted” as soon as it's written down or saved in some tangible form.
    If you want to check registrations, though, you need to use the search engine on

Class questions: Use the idea of "What is wrong here?" Use with specific scenarios. Opportunity to discuss why. Will need to address potential student response 

Can survey questions be copyrighted?

Using Copyrighted Research Materials with PsychData.
When conducting online survey research, social science researchers often want to use an existing questionnaire (a.k.a. measure, instrument, or inventory) in order to assess an existing construct such as:

  • depression
  • anxiety
  • personality features
  • etc.
    These measures may be freely available in the social science literature or they may be copyrighted by an individual or corporation.
  • ,

    Do I need a copyright lawyer?

    In many cases, registering your copyright is something you can do on your own, without the help of an attorney or other intellectual property expert.
    Other times, it makes sense to hire an attorney.
    Even though copyright registration is generally a simple process, depending on your particular circumstances you may want to consult with an ..


    Do I need a copyright?

    You don’t need to register your work for copyright.
    However, registering your work with the United States Copyright Office grants certain additional benefits.
    In the US, copyright is a form of protection for original works of authorship fixed in a tangible medium of expression.
    Copyright protects literary, dramatic, musical, and artistic works.


    How do you copyright something?

    copyright laws.
    To copyright something, the creator must make the work tangible.
    Every creative piece or effort that was made tangible after April 1, 1989 is automatically protected in the United States under copyright law.
    All copyright symbols last 70 years from the time the work was documented and made tangible.
    Just because .


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