Copyright laws in jamaica

  • How long does copyright protection last in Jamaica for a known author?

    Copyright protection for original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works now lasts for the life of the author plus 95 years (up from 50)..

  • What is poor man's copyright in Jamaica?

    (ii) Mail a copy of the work to himself as soon as possible after it is created.
    This is usually referred to as “poor man's copyright” and traditionally involved mailing the work via registered post office mail service..

  • What is the copyright Amendment Act 2015 in Jamaica?

    It introduces, inter alia, the following amendments: (i) it extends the term of copyright protection from 50 to 95 years for copyrighted works used in Jamaica, including in particular employee's works belonging to employers, and sound recordings and performances; (ii) it provides exceptions for disabled people to Jul 30, 2015.

  • What is the Jamaica copyright Amendment Act 2015?

    The Copyright (Amendment) Act of 2015 is the most substantial set of amendments since the 1993 Act.
    It brought into effect several major substantive & administrative changes including: Extension of Duration of Copyright and Rights in Performances.
    Express provisions on Ownership of Copyright and Crown Copyright..

  • Intellectual property refers to creations of the mind: inventions; literary and artistic works; and symbols, names and images used in commerce.
How is copyright protected? No official registration is necessary to secure copyright in a work. Under Jamaica law both musical and literary works are automatically protected from the time they are created.
Under Jamaica law both musical and literary works are automatically protected from the time they are created. Consequently, in the event of a dispute over authorship, ownership or originality, there is no standard method of proving that one work was in existence before another.

Are Jamaican Copyright Owners Protected Abroad?

Jamaicans qualify for international Copyright protection in more than 160 countries including those mentioned above, who are all members of the principal international Treaty for Copyright protection known as the Berne Convention.


Is Registration Required For Copyright Protection?

Registration is not a compulsory requirement to obtain Copyright protection under the Copyright Act of Jamaica or any of the copyright laws of the countries that are members of the Berne Convention for the protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
There is also no requirement for a work to be deposited at JIPO in order to obtain protection.
To sec.


Legal Deposits

It is a requirement under the Jamaican Legal Deposits Act, that any person resident in Jamaica who publishes any library matter (which includes any document, paper, record or tape) is to deposit copies of the publication with the National Library of Jamaica.
This deposit also provides a publicly recorded link between the publisher and the work.


Voluntary Copyright Deposit

A copy of the work can be deposited in our copyright register for a minimal fee.
Feel free to contact our office and a representative will be happy to guide you through the process.


What is copyright in Jamaica?

Under the Copyright Act of Jamaica 1993, literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, including:

  • sound recordings
  • films
  • broadcasts and cable programmes
  • poetry and plays (whether recorded or written)
  • lyrics
  • and other original creations are protected.
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    What Is Copyright?

    Copyright consists of a bundle of different rights held by a creator of literary, artistic, musical or dramatic works.


    What is Jamaica's media policy?

    Piracy and copyright infringement on the Internet cannot be discussed without making mention of Jamaica’s media policy.
    New media brings with it new risks and consequences, many of which are not addressed by the Broadcasting Radio and Re-Diffusion Act of 1949.


    Who Can Own Copyright?

    The author of a work is the initial owner of the Copyright in that work.
    All Jamaican nationals, citizens and habitual residents and corporate bodies established under Jamaican Law can qualify as owners under the Copyright Act.
    Nationals, citizens and habitual residents and corporate bodies established under the laws of other specified countries (l.


    Who is protected under Jamaican law?

    Nationals, citizens and habitual residents and corporate bodies established under the laws of other specified countries (listed in Regulations under the Act) including:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • countries of the European Union
  • Asia and Africa
  • are also protected under Jamaican Law.
    Are Jamaican Copyright Owners Protected Abroad? .
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    Who owns the copyright in a protected work?

    ,(3) Where a protected work is a work of joint authorship the authors thereof shall be co-owners of the copyright in that work.


    Works Not Protected by Copyright

    Copyright does not protect titles by themselves, nor names, short phrases, slogans, ideas, concepts, processes, principles or procedures, methods, factual information, Other types of Intellectual Property may be applicable.


    Works Protected by Copyright

    Under Jamaica’s Copyright Act 1993, copyright applies to original literary, dramatic, musical or artistic works, sound recordings, films, broadcasts or cable programme, typographical arrangements of published editions.
    Literary works include works (other than a dramatic or musical work) which are written spoken or sung, such as poetry, plays, novel.

    Copyright laws in jamaica
    Copyright laws in jamaica

    Legal process

    The purpose of copyright registration is to place on record a verifiable account of the date and content of the work in question, so that in the event of a legal claim, or case of infringement or plagiarism, the copyright owner can produce a copy of the work from an official government source.
    The Jamaica Association of Composers, Authors and Publishers (JACAP) is a Jamaican not-for-profit membership collective management organization which was established in 1998.
    JACAP administers the public performance and, if assigned also, the mechanical (reproductive) rights and synchronization rights of lyricists (authors), music composers and music publishers in Jamaica.
    JACAP is a member of the umbrella organisation for copyright societies CISAC - The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers.
    JACAP is also a founding member of The Association of Caribbean Copyright Societies (ACCS).
    Jamaica Inn (film)

    Jamaica Inn (film)

    1939 film by Alfred Hitchcock

    Jamaica Inn is a 1939 British adventure thriller film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and adapted from Daphne du Maurier's 1936 novel of the same name.
    It is the first of three of du Maurier's works that Hitchcock adapted.
    It stars Charles Laughton and Maureen O'Hara in her first major screen role.
    It is the last film Hitchcock made in the United Kingdom before he moved to the United States.
    Below is a list of countries which have signed and ratified one or more multilateral international copyright treaties.
    This list covers only multilateral treaties.
    It does not include bilateral treaties.
    Related rights provide intellectual property rights for performers, producers of sound recordings (phonograms) and broadcasting organisations.
    In some countries these rights are known simply as copyright, while other countries distinguish them from authors' rights: in either case, the international laws which are concerned with them are distinct from those concerned with literary and artistic works under the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works and other treaties.

    Laws seen as useless, humorous or obsolete

    Strange laws, also called weird laws, dumb laws, futile laws, unusual laws, unnecessary laws, legal oddities, or legal curiosities, are laws that are perceived to be useless, humorous or obsolete, i.e. no longer applicable.
    A number of books and websites purport to list dumb laws.
    These are in many cases based on misunderstandings, exaggerations or outright fabrications.


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