Copyright law education exception

Mar 25, 2021Copyrights are subject to many limitations and exceptions that permit the public to make certain uses of copyrighted works.

Are there exceptions to copyright in education?

Here is a resource that outlines exceptions to provisions of copyright within education:

  • While this is a helpful resource
  • it is not copyright law nor does it prescribe the extent of copyrighted content that may be determined under fair use.
  • ,

    Can a copyright exception be overridden by a contract?

    First, it applies to all types of teaching, not just teaching within a traditional educational establishment.
    Second, the exception cannot be overridden by contract.
    This means that any term of a contract seeking to prevent or restrict copying under this exception is unenforceable in law.


    Can a copyright exemption be relied on without a licensing scheme?

    For example, the law makes clear that certain exceptions for education can only be relied upon in the absence of a relevant educational licensing scheme.
    This means that if a scheme has been set up to license the use of copyright material by educational establishments then the exception does not apply.


    What are the provisions for copyrighted content for educational purposes?

    There are three principal provisions for making use of copyrighted content for educational purposes. 1.
    Fair Use The first is fair use, addressed elsewhere in this guide under the Fair Use section. 2.
    Face-to-Face Instruction A second provision pertains to face-to-face instruction.


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