How to follow copyright laws

If it's not your original work, don't use it. We're all probably familiar with the saying, "If it's not yours, don't touch it." Copyright laws adhere to the same philosophy: the golden rule is to obtain the express permission from the owner, creator, or holder of the copyrighted material.

Can I read a copyrighted article without permission?

For example, you may read a copyrighted article and appropriate its ideas or the facts it conveys into your own work without violating the copyright.
However, unless fair use or another exception to copyright protection applies, you may not reproduce the actual text of the paper without permission.


Contracts (Licensing) and Copyright

Review ownership in any works consultants create for you or which you create with a partner.
1) Do you have a clear written agreement?.
2) What does this agreement say?.
3) What are the rights each of you possesses in the IP.
It's always best to have a written agreement with consultants (and employees too) that addresses ownership of content created .


Copyright Compliance Education

Know your organization’s copyright policy and share it! Develop FAQs with copyright questions and simple, clear guidance.
Or hold periodic lunch meetings or information sessions for staff and encourage discussion.
Include lawyers or speakers, and keep the topics diverse to spur interest and retain attention on this important topic.
Keep in mind tha.


Copyright Duration

The end of the calendar year is also the beginning of the expiration of copyright for many works.
Each 1 January, review and determine which books, images and other works that you use have entered the public domain.
Check to see whether you’re still trying to obtain permission for (or perhaps avoiding the use of) content that's now freely available.


Fair Use Checklist

Fair use allows the use of content without permission.
However, it also requires a judgment call as each situation of fair use is based on the particular circumstances at hand.
Develop a checklist for use by your organization for evaluating fair use and to ensure its more consistent application.
Note that if your country's Copyright Act does not ha.


How do I get a copyright?

The United States Copyright Office offers a number of guides for a general audience, called "circulars," about copyright law.
There are three basic elements that a work must possess in order to be protected by copyright in the US:

  • Originality:
  • To get a copyright
  • a work must be the original work of the author.
  • ,

    How do I protect my work from copyright infringement?

    The simplest solution is this:

  • Always provide attribution for the source of a work and consider whether you have a right to use a work under copyright law.
    Both are important and one will not substitute for the other.
    For more on the difference between copyright and plagiarism, read this post from Plagiarism Today.
  • ,

    Intellectual Property (IP) Audit

    Now is a great time to audit your intellectual property to determine whether your use of others’ IP is legal.
    On another note, it’s also a great time to inventory your own IP — what you own and how you can exploit and benefit from it.
    Remember that copyright is only one area of IP.
    You may create or own other things such as patents or trademarks th.



    When did you last check your copyright permissions and licensing agreements.
    Are there any permissions and licenses that have expired or are expiring.
    Also ask yourself:.
    1) Do you still use this content and need to renew (or not) your license?.
    2) Is there any action required to notify authors/owners of your intent to allow the license to expire.


    Trusted Copyright and Licensing Resources

    Create a list of resources — websites, books, articles — your organization can rely on to consult when new questions arise.
    Ensure that someone in your organization keeps this list current.
    Please bookmark and include Copyrightlaws.comon your list!


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