Copyright infringement is

What are the consequences of copyright violation?

Infringement of patent notice.
While there are many consequences of breaking copyright laws, the most common include:

  • monetary fines
  • loss of property
  • loss of freedom
  • or loss of employment.
    Typically, copyright law violations involve someone attempting to profit from, distribute, or claim material to which they have no rights.
  • ,

    What does the Bible say about copyright infringement?

    Originally Answered:

  • What does the Bible about copyright infringement.
    It should have virtually copyright that in Revelation 22:19 writes:
  • and if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy
  • God shall take away his part from the tree of life
  • and out of the holy city
  • which are written in this book .

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    Does copyright law apply in different countries
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