Copyright infringement by ai

  • Is using AI copyright infringement?

    In the United States, a federal judge ruled in 2023 that AI artwork cannot meet federal copyright standards because “Copyright law is 'limited to the original intellectual conceptions of the author'.” With no author, there is no copyright..

  • What authors sue OpenAI for copyright infringement?

    George R.R.
    Martin, Jodi Picoult and John Grisham are among a group of 17 prominent authors suing Open AI for what they say is “systematic theft on a mass scale.” The class-action lawsuit claims that OpenAI, which owns Chat GPT, is illegally using their copyrighted work..

  • Who owns copyright in AI-generated works?

    Copyright of AI-Generated Works
    The Author is Human: AI tools do not currently have legal status and cannot own copyright..

  • Companies, including Microsoft (MSFT.
    O), Meta Platforms (META.
    O) and Stability AI, have also been sued by copyright owners over the use of their work in AI training.
    OpenAI and other companies have argued that AI training makes fair use of copyrighted material scraped from the internet.Sep 11, 2023
  • The D.C. district court recently affirmed the U.S.
    Copyright Office's position that a work generated entirely by artificial intelligence (AI) technology is not eligible for copyright protection.
    The case is Stephen Thaler v.
    Shira Perlmutter and The United States Copyright Office (1:22-cv-01564) (June 2, 2022).
    AI-generated material cannot be protected under copyright law.
    Work that combines human creativity with AI-generated material may be copyrighted if the human author's contribution is significant and identifiable.
AI programs might also infringe copyright by generating outputs that resemble existing works. Under U.S. case law, copyright owners may be able to show that such outputs infringe their copyrights if the AI program both (1) had access to their works and (2) created “substantially similar” outputs.

Do AI programs infringe copyright?

AI programs might also infringe copyright by generating outputs that resemble existing works.
Under U.S. case law, copyright owners may be able to show that such outputs infringe their copyrights if the AI program both (1) had access to their works and (2) created “substantially similar” outputs.


Is artificial intelligence a copyright hazard?

Reserve your free pass The U.S.
Copyright Office has already repeatedly weighed in on creations made with generative artificial intelligence (AI) — saying they are largely ineligible for copyright because they don’t primarily come from a human hand.


Is Microsoft liable for copyright infringement?

Microsoft has pledged to assume legal responsibility for any copyright infringement over material generated by the artificial intelligence software it offers to businesses in Word, PowerPoint and its coding tools, as concerns mount over potential clashes with content owners.


Who is suing a visual artist for copyright infringement?

(Reuters) - A group of visual artists has sued artificial intelligence companies Stability AI Ltd, Midjourney Inc, and DeviantArt Inc for copyright infringement, adding to a fast-emerging line of intellectual property disputes over AI-generated work.

AI-generated Twitch stream

ai_sponge was a Twitch and YouTube channel that used artificial intelligence (AI) to generate livestream content featuring characters from the animated SpongeBob SquarePants franchise.
The livestream, which launched on March 5, 2023, used 3D models of SpongeBob characters within Unity and Uberduck AI-generated voices based on the show's voice actors.
Viewers could prompt the character's conversation topics through the channel's Discord server, which often led to inappropriate results.
On July 26, 2023, ai_sponge was officially discontinued as a result of multiple copyright strikes and the discontinuation of public Uberduck voices.


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