Copyright law bahamas

  • The basis of the Bahamian Law and legal system is the English Common Law tradition.
    Justices of the Supreme Court, Registrars and Magistrates are appointed by The Governor-General acting on the advice of the Judicial and Legal Service Commission.
SCHEDULE. An Act to make better provision in respect of copyright, to confer rights on performers and others in live performances and for matters connected 

Is the legislation on the Bahamas website accurate?

The legislation on this Website is made available for information purposes only.
The Government of The Bahamas and the Office of the Attorney-General make no representation or warranty, expressed or implied and accept no legal liability or responsibility for the completeness or accuracy of the legislation posted on this Website.


What are the privacy laws in the Bahamas?

The Bahamas has privacy laws engineered to protect account information for account holders from all over the world.
Despite the common perception that these accounts require millions of dollars and a team of lawyers to open, opening an account is actually quite similar to opening an account in your home country.


What are the sources of Bahamian law?

This article briefly summarizes the principal sources of Bahamian law.
The Bahamas has a written Constitution.


What is the law of property of the Bahamas?

LAW OF PROPERTY [CH.170 – 5 LRO 1/2006STATUTE LAW OF THE BAHAMAS specifically released, without Prejudice nevertheless to the Rights of all Persons interested in the Hereditaments or Property remaining unreleased, and not concurring in or confirming the Release.
Powers 7.


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