Japan copyright law ai

  • How does AI affect Copyright Law?

    AI programs might also infringe copyright by generating outputs that resemble existing works.
    Under U.S. case law, copyright owners may be able to show that such outputs infringe their copyrights if the AI program both (1) had access to their works and (2) created “substantially similar” outputs..

  • Is copyright strict in Japan?

    Do you believe Japan should adopt something like USA's Fair Use law? I think it would be reasonable, so it would be nice to hear Japanese people's opinions on this..

  • What is Japan's AI policy?

    The guidelines will call on AI platform developers to disclose information regarding the purpose of their algorithms and any possible risks, and that businesses involved in training AI disclose the data they use..

  • Visual artists and musicians have also pushed for a revision, saying that allowing AI to train on their works without permission threatens their creative livelihoods.
    Behind the news: Japan is unusual insofar as it explicitly permits AI developers to use copyrighted materials for commercial purposes.Jun 14, 2023
Aug 17, 2023The statement said that Japan's copyright law is more favorable to AI learning than those of other countries.
Do Inputs to AI Infringe Copyrights? The Copyright Act of Japan solely allows use of copyrighted works for information analysis purposes without permission from applicable creators, provided that the use (i) is limited to the minimum necessary and (ii) does not unreasonably harm creators' interests.

Can AI developers use copyrighted materials?

Behind the news:

  • Japan is unusual insofar as it explicitly permits AI developers to use copyrighted materials for commercial purposes.
    In the European Union, developers can use copyrighted works freely for research.
  • ,

    Can Japan enforce copyright laws on AI data?

    Japan's copyright laws cannot be enforced on materials and works used in datasets to train AI systems, according to the country’s technology minister.
    Minister Keiko Nagaoka said it is "possible to use the work of information analysis regardless of the method, regardless of the content," according to fellow lawmaker Takashi Kii, in a blog post.


    Is copyright protection a problem in generative artificial intelligence?

    The Japan Newspaper Publishers & Editors Association and three other industry groups released a joint statement Thursday expressing concern that copyright protection is not being adequately considered in the development of generative artificial intelligence.


    Should copyright laws be tightened in Japan?

    In 2018, Japan modified its Copyright Act to allow free of copyrighted works for training machine learning models as long as the purpose “is not to enjoy the thoughts or feelings expressed in the work.” Yes, but:

  • Politicians in minority parties have pressed the ruling party to tighten the law.

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