Intellectual property valuation law

  • How do you determine the value of intellectual property?

    Two approaches are typically used to value intellectual property:

    1. Income Method: IP valuation is based on future projected cash flows related to the IP
    2. Market Method: IP valuation is based on observations of actual third-party transactions of comparable intellectual property to determine a market price

  • What are the rules for IP valuation?

    The 25% rule is an income-based approach
    There are three main approaches for IP valuation: 1) the income approach; 2) the market approach; and 3) the cost approach..

  • What is the valuation method of intellectual property?

    There are three main types of IP valuation methods: 1) market-based methods; 2) cost-based methods; and 3) income-based methods.
    Below, we'll look at each of the approaches in detail, including what they are, how they work, example scenarios, and pros and cons..

  • What is the value of intellectual property law?

    The value of an IP asset represents the potential future economic benefits to the IP owner or authorized user.
    Value can be derived through: direct exploitation of the IP by integrating it within the product; sale or licensing of the IP to a third party; and..

  • What is valuation of intellectual properties?

    IP valuation is the process of determining the value of intellectual property assets such as patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets.
    If you plan to buy, sell or license IP, you need to carry out an IP valuation to understand the value of the IP assets in question..

  • In the market approach, the value of a patent is the amount a prospective buyer will pay for a similar product/service while the cost approach shows that the value of a patent is the replacement cost, i.e., the amount that it will cost to replace an invention.
  • What exactly does the term IPR Valuation mean? IPR stands for Intellectual Property Rights.
    Now, IPR Valuation is the main part of the finance area of any business.
    It is all related to deals regarding the price for selling and purchasing of companies.
Intellectual property valuation is a process to determine the monetary value of intellectual property assets. IP valuation is required to be able to sell, license, or enter into commercial arrangements based on IP.
Valuing Intellectual Property—Methodology There are three methods of valuing intellectual property: cost-based, market–based, and income-based valuations. Cost-based valuation takes into consideration both how much it cost to create the asset historically and how much it would cost to recreate it given current rates.


In order to be able sell, license or enter into any commercial arrangements based on IP, the owner need to be able to put a value on an IP asset.
IP valuation is also beneficial in the enforcement of IP rights, for internal management of IP assets, and for various financial processes.
The valuation process necessitates gathering much more informati.


Are intellectual property assets legal?

Intellectual property assets are part of the non-physical property of a business.
They are a sub-set of intangible assets and distinguished from other intangible assets by the fact that they are created by law.
As such, IP assets are legally protected and can be legally enforced.



Intellectual property assets are part of the non-physical property of a business.
They are a sub-set of intangible assets and distinguished from other intangible assets by the fact that they are created by law.
As such, IP assets are legally protected and can be legally enforced.
These can be independently identified, are transferable and have an e.


See Also

Economics and patents



This article incorporates text from a free content work.
Licensed under CC-BY-4.0.
Text taken from Valuing Intellectual Property Assets​, WIPO.


What factors determine intellectual property value?

Intellectual property derives its value from a wide range of parameters such as:

  • usefulness
  • market share
  • barriers to entry
  • legal protection
  • profitability
  • industrial and economic factors
  • growth projections
  • remaining economic life
  • and new technologies
  • all of which will inhere in the valuation.
  • ,

    What is intellectual property valuation?

    Intellectual property valuation is a process to determine the monetary value of intellectual property assets.
    IP valuation is required to be able to sell, license, or enter into commercial arrangements based on IP.
    It is also beneficial in the enforcement of IP rights, for internal management of IP assets, and for various financial processes.


    Why is IP law important?

    It is also beneficial in the enforcement of IP rights, for internal management of IP assets, and for various financial processes.
    Intellectual property assets are part of the non-physical property of a business.
    They are a sub-set of intangible assets and distinguished from other intangible assets by the fact that they are created by law.


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