Copyright law new zealand

  • How long does a copyright last in New Zealand?

    Copyright owners
    Copyright applies automatically from when your work is created, and, in most circumstances, lasts for your lifetime plus 50 years.
    Under international treaties, copyright also automatically arises in most other countries in the world.
    Copyright is a tool to recognise your rights over your work..

  • How much does it cost to get a copyright in NZ?

    In New Zealand there is no system of registering copyright works and hence no cost.
    In some circumstances it may be possible to register the shape of an article as a registered design..

  • What are the moral rights of copyright in New Zealand?

    Moral rights
    the right to be identified as the author or film director of a work (the right of attribution) the right to object to derogatory treatment of the work, that is, a change to the work that harms the reputation of the author or director (the right of integrity).

  • What is originality in copyright NZ?

    Under NZ copyright law “original” means not copied from anything else.
    Another way of expressing this is that the work must be the product of the author's own time, labour, skill and judgment..

  • If your successful civil enforcement actions do not lead to the infringement ceasing, the Copyright Act 1994 contains criminal offences for the infringement of copyright works for commercial gain.
    A person convicted for such activity may be imprisoned for up to five years or fined up to NZ$150,000.
In New Zealand, copyright in literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works lasts for the life of the author plus fifty years from the end of the year in which the author dies. Put simply, the Copyright Act 1994 is a set of guidelines that explains how published content can and can not be used.

Do I need permission to use a copyrighted work?

Before such time permission of the rights holder is required to use a copyrighted work.
New Zealand's copyright term is largely consistent with other countries, and complies with the WIPO standard.
The copyright term depends on the type of work in question.
Here are some examples:.


Does New Zealand have a copyright monopoly?

New Zealand is party to several international copyright agreements, including:

  • the TRIPS Agreement 1994
  • the Berne Convention 1928 and the Universal Copyright Convention 1952 .
    The Copyright Act 1994 provides owners of original work with a monopoly to control the use and dissemination of their work.
  • ,

    Works That Qualify For Copyright Protection

    For a work or type of material to qualify for copyright protection, 4 conditions must generally be met:.
    1) It must fall within one of the categories or subject matter in which copyright can exist..
    2) It must be original..
    3) The nationality of the author, or the origin of the work, must be one that qualifies for protection.
    4) Certain works must be .

    Copyright law new zealand
    Copyright law new zealand
    The Copyright Amendment Act 2011 is an Act of the Parliament of New Zealand which amends the Copyright Act 1994.
    The New Zealand Internet Blackout was an online protest

    The New Zealand Internet Blackout was an online protest

    2009 New Zealand internet services protest

    The New Zealand Internet Blackout was an online protest organised by the Creative Freedom Foundation NZ (CFFNZ) against changes to copyright law in New Zealand.
    It constituted two separate blackouts: one in 2009 to protest Section 92A of the Copyright Amendment Act 2008; and another in 2011 to protest the Copyright Amendment Act 2011, although the CFFNZ did not take part in this one.


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