Copyright law in simple terms

  • What is copyright in simple form?

    Copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original works of authorship as soon as an author fixes the work in a tangible form of expression..

What are the copyright law examples?

The author's work must be original and not a copy.
Examples of copyrighted material include:

  • architectural designs
  • books
  • song recordings
  • dramatic works
  • choreography
  • sculptures
  • and movies.
    When the Copyright Law of 1976 was enacted, the law protected creative works as soon as they were fixed in tangible form.
  • ,

    What are the exclusive rights of copyright owners?

    Among rights, copyright owners have the exclusive right to reproduce, adapt, distribute and, in relation to certain works, publicly perform or display a work.
    These rights are exclusive to the copyright owner, but they are not unlimited.
    The Copyright Act establishes certain limitations on these rights.
    These limitations may be in various forms.


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