Copyright law movies in classroom

  • Are you allowed to watch movies in school?

    As a guiding principal, U films may be shown across the school.
    PG films may be shown to children in KS2 and short suitable clips from a PG film may be used in KS1.
    However, it is important that the teacher has determined it is suitable and appropriate for the children and that they are able to justify their reasons..

  • Can I use Netflix in my classroom?

    “Unless otherwise specified, the Netflix service, and any content viewed through our service, are for your personal and non-commercial use only and we grant you a limited, non exclusive, non-transferable, license to access the Netflix service for that purpose..

  • Copyright in a motion picture is automatically secured when the work is created and “fixed” in a copy.
    Only the expression fixed in a motion picture (camera work, dialogue, sounds, and so on) is protected under copyright.
    Copyright does not cover the idea or concept behind a work or any characters portrayed in it.
  • “Unless otherwise specified, the Netflix service, and any content viewed through our service, are for your personal and non-commercial use only and we grant you a limited, non exclusive, non-transferable, license to access the Netflix service for that purpose.
Mar 30, 2023Generally, yes, this is permissible under fair use. Apply the four factors of fair use to determine whether the film in question may be used for 
Mar 30, 2023Under copyright law, copyright holders have the exclusive right of performing or displaying their copyrighted works, including films or videos.

Can a teacher use copyrighted material for educational purposes?

All copyright issues must be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
When you are teaching an in-person class, you have a certain degree of freedom to use copyrighted material for educational purposes.
That is because of the Classroom Exception, which is defined in Title 17, Section 110 (1) of U.S. copyright law.


Do you need a copyright license to use a movie?

This means that no license from the copyright holder is required when a teacher at a public school or non-profit educational institution uses a lawfully purchased or rented copy of a movie in classroom instruction.
It doesn’t matter who purchased or rented the film, so long as it was legally obtained.


Does the classroom exception apply to copyrighted work?

The Classroom Exception applies only to “performance or display” of copyrighted works – it does not apply to making reproductions of copyrighted works (including:

  • coursepacks).
    In cases where you need to make copies, it becomes a question of whether or not fair use applies.
  • Disney's involvement with Florida state law

    Since the passage of Florida's Parental Rights in Education Act, commonly known as the Don't Say Gay bill, The Walt Disney Company has been involved in a feud with Florida governor Ron DeSantis and the state's Republican Party.
    While initially a donor to some of the politicians who voted in favor of the Act, after its passage Disney spoke out against the bill and called for it to be repealed.


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