Intellectual property law uoa

  • What can I do with intellectual property law?

    IP lawyers play a variety of critical roles related to the protection of intellectual property.
    In some capacities they act as advocates representing clients in court proceedings.
    They also serve as advisors, counseling clients about intellectual property matters..

  • What is the IP policy of the University of Auckland?

    The University recognises that any intellectual property which you may create during your research belongs to you unless it has been transferred to another by your written agreement or by operation of law.
    However, where the creation has been assisted by a staff member, the University also has some rights of ownership..

Do university policies protect intellectual property?

However, in order to commercialise intellectual property, it is first necessary to protect it, so University policies are intended to help to protect the rights of all of its members, including:

  • students
  • as well as those of the University itself.
    As part of your enrolment process you will have agreed to abide by these policies.
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    How does intellectual property law fit into New Zealand and Australian law?

    • How intellectual property law fits within the context of the New Zealand and Australian legal system • The justifications for intellectual property protection • Protecting original expression and appearance through copyright and design law • Protecting the distinctive identity through trade mark law passing off, consumer protection law .


    What are intellectual property rights?

    The term intellectual property (IP) refers to creations of the mind:

  • inventions
  • literary and artistic works
  • and symbols
  • names
  • images and designs used in commerce.
    The law does not protect the right to own intellectual property unless the owner has taken steps to claim the legal ownership, except for the rights of copyright which are automatic.
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    What laws protect the products of intellectual endeavour?

    Study of the laws which protect the products of intellectual endeavour including:

  • passing-off (and section 9 Fair Trading Act)
  • the Trade Marks Act
  • the Copyright Act
  • the action for 'breach of confidence'
  • the Designs Act and the Patents Act.

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