Corporate finance basic formulas

  • What are the 4 categories of corporate finance?

    Some of the most important include:

    Future Value (FV) = PV(1 + r)^n.Present Value (PV) = FV / (1 + r)^n.Expected Return = ∑[P(i) x R(i)] where P(i) is the probability of each outcome and R(i) is the return of each outcome.Variance = ∑[P(i) x (R(i) – Expected Return)^2]Correlation = Cov(X,Y) / (u03c.
    1. X x u03c
    2. Y)

  • What are the basic concepts of corporate finance?

    The main areas of corporate finance are capital budgeting (e.g., for investing in company projects), capital financing (deciding how to fund projects/operations), and working capital management (managing assets and liabilities to operate efficiently)..

  • What formulas are used in finance?

    Corporate finance is a subset of the field of finance.
    It concerns proper budgeting, raising capital to meet company needs and objectives with debt and/or equity, and the efficient management of a company's current assets and liabilities..

  • What formulas are used in finance?

    Corporate finance refers to activities and transactions related to raising capital to create, develop and acquire a business.
    It is directly related to company decisions that have a financial or monetary impact.
    It can be considered as a liaison between the capital market and the organisation..

  • What is the basic corporate finance function?

    The 4 Sections of Corporate Finance

    Capital Budgeting & Investments.
    Investing and capital budgeting is the planning of where a company should make long term capital investments. Capital Financing. Dividends and Return of Capital. Short-Term Liquidity..

  • What is the basic corporate finance function?

    All of corporate finance is built on three principles, which we will call, rather unimaginatively, the investment principle, the financing principle, and the dividend principle..

Cost of Capital

Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC) wdw{_d}wd​ = Proportion of debt that the company uses when it raises new funds rdr{_d}rd​ = Before-tax marginal cost of debt ttt = Company’s marginal tax rate wpw{_p}wp​ = Proportion of preferred stock the company uses when it raises new funds rpr{_p}rp​ = The marginal cost of preferred stock wew{_e}we​ = Pro.


What Excel shortcuts do I need to speed up financial modeling?

List of Excel shortcuts – a list of the most important Excel shortcuts to speed up financial modeling. =EOMONTH – convert a date to the last day of the month (e.g., 7/18/2018 to 7/31/2018) =DATE – Returns a number that represents the date (yyyy/mm/dd) in Excel.


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