Corporate administration notes

  • What are the functions of corporate administration?

    There are a range of tasks, including the registration and incorporation of companies, checking documentation including regulatory checks, liaising with regulatory authorities, filing and maintaining records and invoicing that you'll be involved in..

  • Common corporate management positions include the president or chief executive officer, vice president, chief financial officer, chief information officer and chief operating officer.
    Each corporate officer has a management staff that handles specific tasks in her division.
  • What is company administration? Company Administration is a process whereby an Insolvency Practitioner is appointed as Administrator to restructure a business, with the aim of either turning it into a profitable company or effecting a sale of the business to preserve value and employment.
CORPORATE ADMINISTRATION. UNIT 1: INTRODUCTION TO COMPANY. DEFINITION. A company is “an association of many persons who contribute money or money's worth to a 


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