Corporate governance on non performing loans

  • How are lenders part of corporate governance?

    In banking, commercial loans are considered nonperforming if the borrower is 90 days past due.
    The International Monetary Fund considers loans that are less than 90 days past due as nonperforming if there's high uncertainty surrounding future payments.
    However, there is no standard or definition of NPLs..

  • How do you handle a non-performing loan?

    The lender may also opt to sell the non-performing loans to collection agencies and outside investors to get rid of the risky assets from their balance sheet.
    Banks sell the non-performing loans at significant discounts, and the collection agencies attempt to collect as much of the money owed as possible..

  • How do you manage a non-performing loan?

    By establishing appropriate incentives and controls, corporate governance can help reduce conflicts of interest and improve the company's financial performance by increasing the value of the company and the return on investment for shareholders..

  • How does corporate governance affect financial performance?

    How are lenders part of corporate governance? Lenders are exposed to the firm as creditors and are so motivated to carefully monitor the firm.
    They often include covenants in their loans that require the company to maintain certain profitability and liquidity levels..

  • What are the non-performing loan guidelines?

    In banking, commercial loans are considered nonperforming if the borrower is 90 days past due.
    The International Monetary Fund considers loans that are less than 90 days past due as nonperforming if there's high uncertainty surrounding future payments.
    However, there is no standard or definition of NPLs..

  • explains that one of the factors that most strongly influences a bank's profitability is non-performing loans, that is, a ratio that measures a bank's credit risk [5].
    Non- performing loans generally occur because the debtor cannot pay the interest and principal of the loan so that the profit of a bank is reduced [6].
Nov 9, 2022Corporate governance is believed to reduce non-performing loans, including the audit committee, CEO duality, and independent commissioners.AbstractIntroductionLiterature reviewHyphotesis development

Do non-performing loans affect bank performance?

They inferred that increasing non-performing loans would reduce bank performance in the long run.
Teshome et al. (Citation2018) conducted an analysis using the general technique moment method and concluded that non-performing loans have a negative impact on bank performance and lending behaviour.


Does Audit Committee influence non-performing loans?

With the influence of the audit committee on non-performing loans, getting a value of 0.02, it can be concluded that the audit committee has an effect on non-performing loans by 0.2%, and other variables influence the remaining 99.8%.


Does corporate governance affect non-performing loans?

In other words, the financial performance variable cannot mediate the effect of good corporate governance on non-performing loans.
Therefore, this research implies that the banking industry is expected to minimize the ratio of non-performing loans to create a healthy financial performance.

  • audit committee CEO duality .
  • ,

    Does financial performance influence corporate governance?

    Figure 1illustrates the role of financial performance as a mediating variable in influencing corporate governance, which includes ,audit committees, duality of CEOs, and independent commissioners in controlling non-performing loans in the banking industry.
    Figure 1.
    Research model.
    Display full size 4.
    Research method .


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