Corporate governance and downside risk

  • Does corporate governance have a differential effect on downside and upside risk?

    Our baseline empirical analysis reveals that strong corporate governance is associated with the reduction of total risk and downside risk, as well as upside risk..

  • How does corporate governance affect risk management?

    Risk management is important in corporate governance because it protects the organization from losses.
    When good corporate governance is in place, corporations can proactively identify and mitigate risk, reducing their risk exposure and ultimately limiting reputational and financial damage..

  • What are the negative effects of corporate governance?

    Bad corporate governance can lead to a host of negative outcomes, such as the following:

    failure to reach company goals;loss of support from stakeholders and community;financial losses; and.collapse of the company..

  • What is the relationship between corporate governance and risk?

    Good corporate governance practices play an essential role in helping companies to identify and manage risks.
    Companies can help protect themselves from financial, operational, and reputational risks by implementing effective governance policies and procedures..

  • By not adhering to its corporate government policy, a business can end up with a lack of risk management.
    Eventually, this may result in greater probability of the company making poor decisions and investments, along with putting at risk its ability to repay its own creditors.
Mar 12, 2022Intuitively, strong corporate governance should decrease the downside risk but increase the upside risk. However, using a large panel of 
Specifically, downside risk (upside risk) measures potential losses (gains) over a specific time horizon at a given confidence level. Our baseline empirical analysis reveals that strong corporate governance is associated with the reduction of total risk and downside risk, as well as upside risk.

Are high and low governance firms risky?

The firms whose corporate governance score is higher or lower than the sample median are classified into the high group and low group.
We observe asignificant difference at the 1% level in all the measures of risk between high governance firms and the low governance firms.


Does corporate governance reduce risk?

Similar to the previous findings, we find thatcorporate governance reduces total risk, as well as downside and upside risk.
Overall, the system GMM estimates support the notion that, even after controlling for endogeneity, corporate governance is associated with a reduction in the firm's total risk, downside risk and upside risk.


Does corporate governance skewed toward incentive mechanisms increase upside risk?

Conversely, for corporate governance skewed toward incentive mechanisms (e.g., options and bonuses), managers may be encouraged to take excessive risks, whichmay not only increase the upside risk but also increase the downside risk.
In this paper, our focus is on the monitoring mechanisms of corporate governance.


Is the coefficient of corporate governance positive or negative?

Specifically, the coefficient on corporate governance isnegative and statistically significant for both ROA and Tobin's Q, regardless of whether the relationship is being measured using cross-sectional or panel data.
These results are the same as in Column 1 of Table 5for total risk.


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