Corporate law question bank

Can a foreign corporation sue for a business transaction?

Foreign corporations, even unlicensed ones can sue or be sued on a transaction or series of transactions set apart from their common business in the sense that there is no intention to engage in a progressive pursuit of the purpose and object of business transaction. 86.


How many questions does a corporation law professor ask?

Here are more than 100 questions and answers that your professor in corporation law may ask in your final or midterm exams.

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    No 1: Makes You Confident

    Practicing a maximum number of question helps you to keep up your question-solving abilities.
    You will get an overall idea about the type of questions, approximate time needed for solving different types of questions, etc., which makes you fully prepared and confident to face the final exam.
    You will also know your strong and weak areas by solving .


    No 2: Familiarizes with Real Exam Environment

    Before appearing for the actual exams, it is very important to get used to the exam environment.
    By solving questions Bank and mock tests, students get accustomed with the exam pattern and time frame for attempting each question.
    It gives students a glimpse of what really happens during the real Exam.


    No 3: Reduces Number of Mistakes

    Sometimes, in spite of having ample knowledge and proper practice, the candidate is not able to score good marks.
    This is due to those “silly mistakes” he commits in the exam.
    He loses those valuable marks, which affect his aggregate Marks adversely.
    Since there are multiple-choice questions also in exams , even small mistakes like lack of attentio.


    No 4: Helps in Revision

    When you solve questions from all topics, you eventually land up covering almost all the important areas of the syllabus.
    Solving mock testssincerely will aid you in brushing up almost all subjects in a better way.
    Also, by analyzing the results, you can decide yourself which areas need more attention and which ones you can leave.


    No 5: Helps in Time Management

    When it comes to CA exams, time is the most crucial factor.
    Attempting many questions in the given time is not an easy task.
    It is seen that many candidates are not able to answer some questions or sometimes even some sections of the question paper, due to the shortage of time.
    This problem can be easily resolved by solving more questions regularly.


    What if the shares of a corporation is held by another corporation?

    In other words, if the shares of stock of the immediate investor corporation is in turn held and controlled by another corporation, then we must look into the citizenship of the individual stockholders of the latter corporation.

    Corporate law question bank
    Corporate law question bank

    Bulgarian bank

    Corporate Commercial Bank AD, commonly called Corpbank, was a Bulgarian bank.
    Corpbank was a universal bank, serving both as a traditional commercial bank, as well as an investment bank.

    2018 United States Supreme Court case

    Jesner v.
    Arab Bank, PLC
    , No. 16-499, 584 U.S. ___ (2018), was a case from the United States Supreme Court which addressed the issue of corporate liability under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS).
    Plaintiffs alleged that Arab Bank facilitated terrorist attacks by transferring funds to terrorist groups in the Middle East, some of which passed through Arab Bank's offices in New York City.


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