Corporate law in french

  • What does Maître mean in English?

    : a person regarded as a master or model in an art or profession —often used as a form of address to such a person..

  • What is the French word for lawyer?

    1( who appears in court) avocat(e) m/f.
    My mother's a lawyer.
    Ma mère est avocate..

  • What is the French word for LLC?

    The SARL (Société à Responsabilité Limitée) is France's foundational limited liability company (LLC)..

  • What is the meaning of corporation in French?

    1[ of town] municipalité f ⧫ conseil m municipal.
    2(= company) société f..

  • comment vont les affaires ? How's business going?
  • French translation: société privée (par actions) à responsabilité limitée.
corporate law noun—droit des sociétés mSee also: corporate adj —.


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