Corporate overhaul legal services

Does the alternative legal services industry have a Wake-Up Call?

The industry's latest wake-up call comes from Thomson Reuters' biennial report on the ALSP market, which plainly reveals that the alternative legal services sector has, in fact, been experiencing significant growth in just the past few years.


Should law firms embrace a more modernized approach to legal work?

In addition to missing out on the myriad advantages of embracing a more modernized approach to legal work, law firms that fail to adopt updated solutions must contend with the increasing number of alternative legal service providers (ALSPs) and other non-legal entities that have begun entering the space.


What is Deloitte legal business services?

Deloitte Legal Business Services helps your team get beyond busy work.
We can free you to focus on strategic priorities; enhance the speed and quality of issue identification; and use data to drive faster, more informed, and holistic decision-making.


Who is corporate overhaul?

Corporate Overhaul Who we are Corporate Overhaul is a Sydney-based consultancy providing a wide range of legal, risk and compliance services specialising in start-ups to medium businesses within the financial and credit industries.
We are independently owned and managed which allows us to keep our fees and charges competitive.


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