Corporations law tasmania

  • What does the Corporations Act do?

    The Corporations Act outlines the framework for companies approaching and entering insolvency.
    This law defines the different types of liquidation, how it is to wind up the company, restructuring and the duties of the director during this time..

  • What is duty of care legislation Tasmania?

    In Tasmania, a person does not breach their duty of care unless these three elements exist: There was reasonable foreseeability of risk; The risk was not insignificant; and.
    A reasonable person, in the same circumstances, would have taken precautions against the risk..

  • What is the corporate legislation in Australia?

    The Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) is the principal legislation regulating business entities (primarily companies) in Australia.
    It regulates matters such as the formation and operation of companies (in conjunction with a constitution that may be adopted by a company), duties of officers, takeovers and fundraising..

  • What is the Defamation Act in Tasmania?

    In Tasmania the civil laws are contained in the Defamation Act 2005 and the criminal laws are outlined in the Criminal Code Act 1924.
    Defamation includes both written and oral publications.
    For a defamation claim to s쳮d, the material must have been published, it must identify a person/s and it must be defamatory..

  • What is the main whs legislation we are currently working to in tasmania?

    The Work Health and Safety Regulations 2022 and the Work Health and Safety (Transitional) Regulations 2022 replace the Work Health and Safety Regulations 2012 and the Work Health and Safety (Transitional) Regulations 2012 which have been remade as required every 10 years..

  • What is the Tasmanian Privacy Act?

    The Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (the Act) gives you the right to complain to the Ombudsman about an alleged breach of principles designed to protect your personal information..

  • Corporations Act 2001 (Corporations Act) Insurance Contracts Act 1984.
  • The Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975 is the primary legislation for the protection of Aboriginal heritage in Tasmania.
    Aboriginal Heritage Tasmania is responsible for the administration of the Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975​​.
    The Aboriginal Heritage Act 1975 uses the word 'relic' to describe Aboriginal heritage.
  • The Personal Information Protection Act 2004 (the Act) gives you the right to complain to the Ombudsman about an alleged breach of principles designed to protect your personal information.
Oct 30, 2019Corporations (Tasmania) Act 1990. Version current from 31 December 2008 to date (accessed 16 October 2023 at 17:00) 

Does Tasmania apply to other Tasmanian laws?

Operation of other Tasmanian laws Except as otherwise provided in this Act, nothing in this Act or the applicable provisions of Tasmania affects the operation after the commencement of this section of an Act enacted before that commencement or of an instrument made under such an Act


Application in Tasmania of the Corporations Law

What is the corporations (Tasmania) Act 1990?


Short title and purposes (1) This Act may be cited as the Corporations (Tasmania) Act 1990

(a) to apply certain provisions of the Corporations Act 1989 of the Commonwealth and the Australian Securities and Investments Commission Act 1989 of the Commonwealth and of regulations under those Acts as laws of Tasmania; and

Who has jurisdiction over a corporation in Tasmania?

(1) Subject to section 9 of the Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 of the Commonwealth, jurisdiction is conferred on the Supreme Court of Tasmania and of each other State and the Capital Territory with respect to civil matters arising under the Corporations Law of Tasmania

The Constitution Alteration (Corporations) Bill 1912, was an unsuccessful proposal to alter the Australian Constitution to extend the Commonwealth legislative power in respect to corporations that was put to voters for approval in a referendum held in 1913.
Corporations law tasmania
Corporations law tasmania

1983 Australian constitutional law case

Commonwealth v Tasmania was a significant Australian court case, decided in the High Court of Australia on 1 July 1983.
The case was a landmark decision in Australian constitutional law, and was a significant moment in the history of conservation in Australia.
The case centred on the proposed construction of a hydro-electric dam on the Gordon River in Tasmania, which was supported by the Tasmanian government, but opposed by the Australian federal government and environmental groups.
Lake St Clair or leeawulenna is a natural freshwater

Lake St Clair or leeawulenna is a natural freshwater

Lake in Tasmania, Australia

Lake St Clair or leeawulenna is a natural freshwater lake located in the Central Highlands area of Tasmania, Australia.
The lake forms the southern end of the Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park.
It has an area of approximately 45 square kilometres (17 sq mi), and a maximum depth of 215 metres (705 ft), making it Australia's deepest lake.
RSPCA Tasmania is an animal welfare, education and advocacy charitable organisation based in Tasmania, Australia.
They run and maintain a shelter facility for the boarding of surrendered and seized animals, as well as operating retail shop fronts for the adoption of pets.
They are responsible for the enforcement of state and federal animal welfare laws for domestic animals, and laws relating to non-commercial animal related activities in Tasmania.


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