Corporate guarantee under uae law

  • How do you provide corporate guarantee?

    To satisfy the needs of providing corporate guarantee, it is key to ensure that the guarantor will be able to perform the obligations guaranteed by the guarantor.
    The rule of thumb would be to ensure that the guarantor has equal economic interest as the parties to the commercial arrangement..

  • What does a corporate guarantee include?

    A corporate guarantee is a contract between a corporate entity or individual and a debtor.
    In this contract, the guarantor agrees to take responsibility for the debtor's obligations, such as repaying a debt..

  • What is a personal guarantee under UAE law?

    Personal guarantees are first mentioned in the Federal Law Number 5 of 1985 (the civil code) in article 1057, which defines guarantee as a suretyship provided by the guarantor with the liability of ensuring the primary debtor performs his or her obligations..

  • What is Article 1092 of the UAE Civil Code?

    Article 1092 of the Federal Law No. 5 of 1985 issuing Civil Transactions Law (the 'Civil Code') states that “If a debt is due, the creditor should claim the debt within six months from the date on which it fell due, otherwise the guarantor shall be deemed to have been discharged”..

  • What is corporate guarantee?

    A corporate guarantee is a contract between a corporate entity or individual and a debtor.
    In this contract, the guarantor agrees to take responsibility for the debtor's obligations, such as repaying a debt..

  • What is guarantee under UAE law?

    Under an all-monies guarantee, a guarantor promises any and all duties from the main debtor to the creditor, whether existing at the time of the guarantee or appearing in the time to come.
    Creditors should be aware that guarantees for 'all monies' may face issues upon enforcement in the UAE..

  • What is the concept of corporate guarantee?

    Updated July 6, 2020: A corporate guarantee is an agreement in which one party, called the guarantor, takes on the payments or responsibilities of a debt if the debtor defaults on the loan..

  • What is the difference between a bank guarantee and a corporate guarantee?

    The guarantees differ on the basis of their distinct risk profiles and creditworthiness of the two issuing institutions.
    A bank guarantee can easily be encashed in the event of default.
    A corporate guarantee ensures that the guarantor would repay the creditor in case of default..

  • A parent company guarantee (PCG) is a guarantee given by one contracting party's ultimate or intermediate holding company in favour of the other contracting party to secure the performance of that party's obligations under the contract.
  • Article 1092 of the Federal Law No. 5 of 1985 issuing Civil Transactions Law (the 'Civil Code') states that “If a debt is due, the creditor should claim the debt within six months from the date on which it fell due, otherwise the guarantor shall be deemed to have been discharged”.
  • Under an all-monies guarantee, a guarantor promises any and all duties from the main debtor to the creditor, whether existing at the time of the guarantee or appearing in the time to come.
    Creditors should be aware that guarantees for 'all monies' may face issues upon enforcement in the UAE.
As such, guarantees in the UAE must be enforced through a process led by the UAE courts. The lender will require an attachment order, either prior to commencing substantive legal proceedings or once a final judgment has been obtained, in order to recover the monies due under the guarantee.
legal documentation and gaps in guarantee and security support documents. Many business organizations and institution have an option of entering into corporate 
To put it simply, UAE laws provide for enforcement of corporate guarantees ion the courts. The laws are strictly defined and courts practice suggests that there 

Can a guarantor default on a guarantee in the UAE?

While guarantees mitigate risk, they do not eliminate it from the realm of financing securities, and even a guarantor can default on their liability

Hence, the creditor must satisfy itself of all probabilities in respect of such guarantees in the UAE

What are the requirements for guarantees in the UAE?

As long as such guarantees are in compliance with the provisions of the UAE law, or the laws of the offshore jurisdiction, as the case may be

Such guarantees must be in writing and specify the amount secured by the guarantee, as previously stated

What is the corporate tax law in the UAE?

The Corporate Tax Law provides the legislative basis for imposing a federal tax on corporations and Business profits (“Corporate Tax”) in the UAE

The provisions of the Corporate Tax Law shall apply to Tax Periods commencing on or after 1 June 2023


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