Corporate law morocco

  • Is Morocco common law or civil law?

    Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament and a mixed legal system of civil law, mainly based on French law, and some influence from Islamic law..

  • What is the legal forms of companies in Morocco?

    The two most widely used are the SA and the SARL, as described below.
    Limited liability companies (SA) must have a minimum of five shareholders who can be either legal entities or individuals..

  • What type of law is used in Morocco?

    Morocco's legal system is a mixture of several from around the world.
    Morocco's legal system is a combination of both Muslim Law and Civil Law.
    Civil Law originates from Continental Europe and it consists of an actual written code.
    It is a rational (based on reason) code that is universal (applies to everyone)..

  • Who makes laws in Morocco?

    B- The Legislative Power: Parliament.
    The Parliament is composed of two Houses: the House of Representatives and the House of Counselors.
    The King presides over the opening of parliament sessions which hold its meetings during two sessions every year..

  • B- The Legislative Power: Parliament.
    The Parliament is composed of two Houses: the House of Representatives and the House of Counselors.
    The King presides over the opening of parliament sessions which hold its meetings during two sessions every year.
  • Moroccan law is based on civil law and on Muslim traditions as regards certain aspects, such as personal status issues, family law, inheritance, rights in rem, etc.
  • Morocco is a constitutional monarchy with an elected parliament and a mixed legal system of civil law, mainly based on French law, and some influence from Islamic law.
Morocco aspires to establish a business law that promotes the economic development of the country and settles disputes in an appropriate and effective 
Under Moroccan corporate law, the directors' duties are generally owed to the company, the shareholders and third parties. The directors have duty to act in an informed manner, in good faith and with diligence and loyalty.

Are investment loans to a Moroccan corporate entity subject to foreign exchange regulations?

Investment loans to a Moroccan corporate entity are also subject to foreign exchange regulations.
Foreign investments are governed by the provisions of:

  • The Investment Charter (promulgated by Law no. 18-95 dated 3 October 1995), which simplifies and harmonises the incentives for investments.
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    Is franchising legal in Morocco?

    There is no specific law governing franchising.
    However, franchise agreements must comply with the provisions of the Moroccan Civil Code, the Commercial Code, competition law and intellectual property law (and foreign exchange regulations, if it involves a foreign franchisor).


    What are the laws governing Labour in Morocco?

    The main provisions of Moroccan law governing labour issues are set out in the Labour Code (promulgated by Law no. 65-99) and industry-wide collective bargaining agreements (CBAs).
    The main decrees and laws on labour are the following:

  • Dahir dated 9 January 1946 relating to holidays.
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    What legal changes are affecting doing business in Morocco?

    The key recent legal changes affecting doing business in Morocco are:

  • Enactment of Law no. 49-16 dated 16 August 2016 amending the legal framework applicable to commercial leases.
    Introduction of Moroccan real estate investment trusts (organismes de placement collectif immobilier) by Law no. 70-14 dated 19 September 2016.

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