Cosmetology and esthetician school

Aug 27, 2021Esthetics school focuses mainly on skincare rather than hair services. Estheticians provide services such as facials, waxing, and other beauty- 
Aug 27, 2021There are generally two main programs offered at beauty schools: cosmetology school or esthetics school. Both of these programs are fantastic if 

How do I become an esthetician?

Becoming an esthetician requires specialized training at an Esthetics school, or a cosmetology school with skin care specialist training programs

What does a beauty school student learn in a cosmetology program?

Beauty school students in the esthetics program also learn about several hair removal procedures, including waxing

Empire Beauty School cosmetology students learn about the tools and methods involved with waxing

Students also get training in safety as well as other hair removal methods

What is the difference between esthetics and cosmetology?

Additionally, cosmetology is a longer program than esthetics

On average, attending cosmetology school in the United States requires between 1,400 and 1,600 hours, which students can typically complete in less than two years as a full-time student

Esthetics programs average 650 hours, usually around six to nine months

Esthetician school — and cosmetology schools, in general — emphasizes instructing students on safe work methods and sterilization procedures. It’s why you need a license to perform hair, nail, facial, or other bodily treatments. Beauty salons, spas, and medical offices are all subject to state inspection and may have ...The area of study in which cosmetology school and esthetician school overlap is skin care. Students in cosmetology school learn very basic skin care services, such as giving facials, exfoliating and performing waxing services. Beyond this, they also learn makeup application techniques. Cosmetology students study subjects ...On average, most cosmetology programs only include 2 weeks of skin care training. An esthetician, on the other hand, is a professional technician who has undergone specialized training in skin care. An esthetics school focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the skin, chemistry of ingredients, proper skin care ...Our cosmetology school is designed to give you the skills you’ll need to start an exciting new career in the beauty industry. Our instructors will teach you techniques in hair styling, cutting, coloring, makeup, and nail design, as well as salon business and the information you need to know to pass your State Board exam. ...An esthetics program may be found in a school of cosmetology, a dedicated esthetics school or, in some cases, a junior college. An esthetics program’s length is generally determined by the state in which it is located, as each state board of cosmetology sets minimum requirements for the number of hours of training an ...
Cosmetology and esthetician school
Cosmetology and esthetician school

Career and technical school in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, United States

The Bethlehem Area Vocational-Technical School is a career and technical school located in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania in the Lehigh Valley region of eastern Pennsylvania.
It was officially started in 1965 when the Bethlehem Area School District, Northampton Area School District, and Saucon Valley School District combined resources to form one vocational-technical school for its students to attend.
Empire Beauty School is a large system of for-

Empire Beauty School is a large system of for-

Empire Beauty School is a large system of for-profit cosmetology schools in the United States.
Headquartered in Pottsville, Pennsylvania, it is the largest system of cosmetology schools in the country.
Founded in 1946, it currently has 76 schools nationwide.
It trains students as cosmetologists, estheticians, electrologists, hair stylists and colorists, makeup artists, manicurists and nail technicians.


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