Jain cosmology pdf

  • How many universes are there in Jainism?

    The early Jains divided the universe into three parts: the heavens or realms of the gods (Urdhva Loka), the realms of the humans (Madhya Loka), and the realms of the hellish beings (Adho Loka)..

  • How was the universe created according to Jainism?

    Nothing in the universe is ever destroyed or created, they simply change from one form to another.
    Jains believe that the universe has always existed and will always exist.
    It is regulated by cosmic laws and kept going by its own energy processes..

  • What is cosmos in Jainism?

    Jaina cosmology describes a storied universe in the shape of a female figure.
    The earthly realm or middle world (manusya loka) consists of three continents and two oceans.
    Animals, including humans, can be found there.
    Below the earth are seven hells.
    Above the earth, eight heavenly realms are arrayed..

  • What is the Jain theory of the universe?

    Jain texts claim that the universe consists of jiva (life force or souls) and ajiva (lifeless objects).
    The soul of each living being is unique and uncreated and has existed during beginningless time..

  • What is the Jain view of the universe?

    Jains think that the universe is non-created and eternal and that its different worlds are interconnected.
    Understanding and meditating on the complex structure of the Jain universe is essential to promote spiritual awakening..

  • What is the meaning of Jain cosmology?

    Jaina cosmology describes a storied universe in the shape of a female figure.
    The earthly realm or middle world (manusya loka) consists of three continents and two oceans.
    Animals, including humans, can be found there.
    Below the earth are seven hells.
    Above the earth, eight heavenly realms are arrayed..

  • What is the structure of the universe in Jainism?

    The early Jains divided the universe into three parts: the heavens or realms of the gods (Urdhva Loka), the realms of the humans (Madhya Loka), and the realms of the hellish beings (Adho Loka).
    So the image above is a depiction of Madhya Loka, the realms of the humans..

  • Cosmic man
    The different elements of the world space in the Jain universe are very frequently drawn as parts of a stylised figure of a man.
    Called the cosmic man, this diagram is probably the most widely known representation of the Jain universe.
    The name is often used in place of the term 'the three worlds'.
  • The universe for Jains is an elaborate system.
    Jain cosmology is very distinctive, although it shares some features with other Indian religious traditions.
    It is centred on the everlasting and non-originating nature of the universe, and thus excludes the notion of a creator-god.


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