Section 30.3 cosmology quizlet

  • How does cosmic background radiation support the big band theory?

    The Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) is the cooled remnant of the first light that could ever travel freely throughout the Universe.
    This 'fossil' radiation, the furthest that any telescope can see, was released soon after the 'Big Bang'.
    Scientists consider it as an echo or 'shockwave' of the Big Bang..

  • What are the three possible outcomes for the universe?

    There are 3 possible outcomes for the universe: (1) an open universe, in which expansion will never stop; (2) a closed universe, in which the expansion will stop and turn into contraction; and (3) a flat universe, in which the expansion will slow to a halt in an infinite amount of time..

  • What are the two pieces of evidence that support the theory that the universe is expanding?

    Two major scientific discoveries provide strong support for the Big Bang theory: • Hubble's discovery in the 1920s of a relationship between a galaxy's distance from Earth and its speed; and • the discovery in the 1960s of cosmic microwave background radiation..

  • What is a large body in space that consistently makes its own light called?

    (If a large body consistently produces its own light, it is then called a star.).

  • cosmology. the study of the origin, structure, and future of the universe.
  • The cosmic microwave background (CMB) is electromagnetic radiation left over from an early stage of the universe in Big Bang cosmology.
    In older literature, the CMB is also variously known as cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR) or "relic radiation".
  • The Cosmological Principle states that any observer in any galaxy will see the same general properties of the universe as every other observer and that there are no special positions in the universe.


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