What is my cosmology

  • Cosmology topics

    A cosmologist is a scientist who studies the universe..

  • Cosmology topics

    Physical Cosmology : which deals with physics, astronomy, and astrophysics.
    Religious Cosmology : the origin stories of different religious groups.
    Metaphysical Cosmology : examines the hows and whys behind the origin of the universe, not relying on any specific religious doctrine..

Our cosmology is the operating consciousness that informs our actions, determines our beliefs, and sets the horizons of possibilities for the personal journey of self. This meaning-making-domain is constructed from what our cultural editors teach us and from our own experiences.
Religious or mythological cosmology is a body of beliefs based on mythological, religious, and esoteric literature and traditions of creation myths and 

Additional Resources

You can read more about cosmology and the foundations of the Big Bang model in Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe's Introduction to Cosmology by NASA.
For more answers to common cosmology questions, go to NASA's Ask an Astrophysicist page.


Common Cosmological Questions

What came before the Big Bang.
Because of the enclosed and finite nature of the universe, we cannot see "outside" of our own universe.
Space and time began with the Big Bang.
While there are a number of speculations about the existence of other universes, there is no practical way to observe them, and as such there will never be any evidence for (o.


Cosmological Missions & Instruments

Launched in November 1989, NASA's Cosmic Background Explorer(COBE) took precise measurements of radiation across the sky.
The mission operated until 1993.
Although NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is probably best known for its astounding images, a primary missionwas cosmological.
By more accurately measuring the distances to Cepheid variables, stars .


History of Cosmology & Astronomy

Humanity's understanding of the universe has evolved significantly over time.
In the early history of astronomy, Earth was regarded as the center of all things, with planets and stars orbiting it.
In the 16th century, Polish scientist Nicolaus Copernicus suggested that Earth and the other planets in the solar system in fact orbited the sun, creatin.


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