
  • Cosmological theories

    Big Freeze or Heat Death
    Under this scenario, the universe eventually reaches a state of maximum entropy in which everything is evenly distributed and there are no energy gradients—which are needed to sustain information processing, one form of which is life.
    This scenario has gained ground as the most likely fate..

Physical cosmology is the study of the observable universe's origin, its large-scale structures and dynamics, and the ultimate fate of the universe, including  Physical cosmologyReligious cosmologyHindu cosmologyBiblical cosmology
Physical cosmology is the study of the observable universe's origin, its large-scale structures and dynamics, and the ultimate fate of the universe, including  Physical cosmologyReligious or mythological Historical cosmologies

What are the three main branches of cosmology?

Cosmology draws heavily on the work of many disparate areas of research in theoretical and applied physics.
Areas relevant to cosmology include:

  • particle physics experiments and theory
  • theoretical and observational astrophysics
  • general relativity
  • quantum mechanics
  • and plasma physics .
  • ,

    What is the cosmological argument?

    The cosmological argument is based on observation of everything in the universe having a cause, being in motion or being contingent and therefore requiring a creator.
    These observations form the premises of cosmological arguments.
    On the basis of those observations, an inference is then made to the nature of the origin of the universe being God.


    What is the definition of cosmology?

    Cosmology is, in effect, the study of the universe at large.
    When the universe is viewed in the large, a dramatic new feature, not present on small scales, emerges—namely, the cosmological expansion.


    Cosmological aspect
    Antigravity cosmology
    Cosmology in antiquity
    Cosmology in architecture
    Cosmology astronomy
    Cosmology astrophysics
    Cosmology astrology
    Cosmology as a branch of metaphysics
    Cosmology as a branch of philosophy
    Cosmology astronomy difference
    Cosmology association
    Cosmology as a career
    Cosmology astropy
    Journal cosmology astroparticle physics
    Cosmology at home
    Cosmology at miramare
    Cosmology at a crossroads
    Cosmology at nasa
    Cosmology at oxford university
    Atacama cosmology telescope (act)