Cosmological perturbation theory lecture notes

  • What are the basics of perturbation theory?

    The basic assumption in perturbation theory is that H1 is sufficiently small that the leading corrections are the same order of magnitude as H1 itself, and the true energies can be better and better approximated by a successive series of corrections, each of order H1/Ho compared with the previous one..

  • What is cosmological perturbation theory notes?

    Cosmological perturbation theory may be broken into two categories: Newtonian or general relativistic.
    Each case uses its governing equations to compute gravitational and pressure forces which cause small perturbations to grow and eventually seed the formation of stars, quasars, galaxies and clusters..

Jun 1, 2022This course cover similar topics as Cosmology II: structure formation, inflation, and a bit of CMB; but on a deeper level and more widely. InĀ 

Can cosmological perturbation theory change the slicing of spacetime?

In cosmological perturbation theory we have chosen the background coordinates to respect its homogeneity property, which gives us unique slicing of the spacetime into homogeneous t = const. spacelike slices.
Thus we do not want to change this slicing.


What are cosmological perturbations?

9In practice, they are just functions of the four coordinates, , x, y, z, of the background spacetime, and since in cosmological perturbation theory the time slicing of the background spacetime is xed, and since we here just consider at background spacetimes, the perturbations become just elds in Euclidean space that evolve in time.


Why are vector perturbations not important in cosmology?

They are responsible for the formation of structure in the universe from small initial perturbations.
Vector perturbations couple to rotational velocity perturbations in the cosmic uid.
They tend to decay in an expanding universe, and are therefore probably not important in cosmology.
We have done all of the above in a xed gauge.


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