Cosmology vs religion

  • How does cosmology relate to religion?

    Religious cosmology is an explanation of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe, from a religious perspective.
    This may include beliefs on origin in the form of a creation myth, subsequent evolution, current organizational form and nature, and eventual fate or destiny.Oct 20, 2022.

  • Cosmogony has to do with founding myths and the origin and the creation of the gods and cosmos, and how the world came into existence.
    Cosmogony as a religious framework for understanding the world and the universe necessitates specific types of interactions and rituals with the divinities.
Religious cosmology differs from a strictly scientific cosmology informed by contemporary astronomy, physics, and similar fields, and may differ in conceptualizations of the world's physical structure and place in the universe, its creation, and forecasts or predictions on its future.
Religious cosmology differs from a strictly scientific cosmology informed by the results of the study of astronomy and similar fields, and may differ in conceptualizations of the world's physical structure and place in the universe, its creation, and forecasts or predictions on its future.
Since scientific cosmology was largely born in environments strongly influenced by Christian values, in what follows, religion will be largely identified with 


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