Cosmology parameter inference

  • a neural network based framework for emulating cosmological

    The specific set of six parameters used to define the cosmological model is somewhat open to choice.
    Within the context of fitting a ΛCDM model to a CMB power spectrum, the six selected key parameters are primarily chosen to avoid degeneracies and thus speed convergence of the model fit to the data (Kosowsky et al..

  • What is MCMC in cosmology?

    An important subclass of Monte Carlo methods are Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods, defined as those in which the next 'step' in the sequence depends only upon the previous one.
    The sequence of steps is then known as a Markov chain..

  • About this book
    The course covers the fundamental philosophy and principles of Bayesian inference, including the reasoning behind the prior/likelihood model construction synonymous with Bayesian methods, through to advanced topics such as nonparametrics, Gaussian processes and latent factor models.
Mar 26, 2019They have become important mathematical and numerical tools, especially in parameter estimation and model comparison. In this paper, we review 

Can a statistical inference be made without a prior assumption?

In fact, one of the guiding principles of Bayesian statistics is that no inference can be made without first specifying prior assumptions, forcing one to question one’s assumptions and state of knowledge before even embarking into a statistical inference problem.


Can cosmological data detect a non-zero neutrino mass?

As we shall see, this is currently the situation with cosmological determinations of neutrino masses:

  • cosmological data is currently unable to detect a non-zero (M_ { u })
  • but only provides upper limits on the latter.
    Therefore, these upper limits are inevitably driven by prior choices, and in particular the choice of prior for (M_ { u }).
  • ,

    What is observational cosmology?

    The field of observational cosmology is inevitably intertwined with that of statistics, necessary in order to make sense of the vast amounts of data provided by the Universe.
    At this point in our journey, it is therefore useful to review a number of statistical and..


    Why do we use Bayesian statistics in cosmology?

    Sociological effects are important as well.
    The widespread use of Bayesian parameter inference tools in cosmology, such as:

  • CosmoMC [ 17] and Montepython [ 18] has certainly contributed to the preference for Bayesian statistics in cosmology.

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    Cosmological radio background
    Cosmological ratio
    Cosmology sample scenario
    Cosmology safari