Cosmological censorship

  • What is the cosmic censorship?

    The cosmic censorship conjecture asserts that all singularities in general relativity are hidden behind an event horizon (see death of a star).
    The conjecture has never been proved mathematically, although there is some evidence for it in many situations..

  • What is the difference between weak and strong cosmic censorship?

    The two conjectures are mathematically independent, as there exist spacetimes for which weak cosmic censorship is valid but strong cosmic censorship is violated and, conversely, there exist spacetimes for which weak cosmic censorship is violated but strong cosmic censorship is valid..

  • What is the principle of cosmic censorship do you think it is a sound scientific principle?

    The hypothesis of cosmic censorship states that, whenever a body collapses so completely as to result in the formation of a singularity, a black hole will be formed so that the singularity will be hidden behind the horizon, and thus completely unobservable for anyone outside the black hole..

  • The cosmic censorship hypothesis says that a gravitational singularity would remain hidden by the event horizon.
    LIGO events, including GW150914, are consistent with these predictions.
    Although data anomalies would have resulted in the case of a singularity, the nature of those anomalies remains unknown.
The cosmic censorship conjecture asserts that all singularities in general relativity are hidden behind an event horizon (see death of a star). The conjecture has never been proved mathematically, although there is some evidence for it in many situations.
The hypothesis of cosmic censorship states that, whenever a body collapses so completely as to result in the formation of a singularity, a black hole will be formed so that the singularity will be hidden behind the horizon, and thus completely unobservable for anyone outside the black hole.
The strong cosmic censorship hypothesis asserts that, generically, general relativity is a deterministic theory, in the same sense that classical mechanics is a  BasicsWeak and strong cosmic ExampleCounter-example
The topological censorship theorem states that general relativity does not allow an observer to probe the topology of spacetime: any topological structure collapses too quickly to allow light to traverse it.
More precisely, in a globally hyperbolic, asymptotically flat spacetime satisfying the null energy condition, every causal curve from past null infinity to future null infinity is fixed-endpoint homotopic to a curve in a topologically trivial neighbourhood of infinity.


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