Riddle cosmology

  • What is bigger than the universe riddle?

    Nothing…… nothing is bigger than the universe.
    Dead people eat nothing.
    I will starve to death if I eat nothing..

Sep 12, 2016Astronomers have called attention to a neglected riddle of the expansion: although the outward flaring seen in the graphic (representing cosmic 
Sep 12, 2016Study finds 'lumpy' universe cannot explain cosmic accelerationStudy finds 'lumpy' universe cannot explain cosmic accelerationCosmology: 

Are cosmological models on the right track?

The conclusion is that our current cosmological models are very much on the right track, a remarkable vindication of theoretical predictions which were already in place long before any microwave anisotropies were measured.
Those anisotropies are now the most powerful observational tool for constraining cosmological models.
A5.4.4 Spatialgeometry .

Riddle cosmology
Riddle cosmology
The Exeter Book riddles are a fragmentary collection of verse riddles in Old English found in the later tenth-century anthology of Old English poetry known as the Exeter Book.
Today standing at around ninety-four, the Exeter Book riddles account for almost all the riddles attested in Old English, and a major component of the otherwise mostly Latin corpus of riddles from early medieval England.
The corpus of traditional riddles from the Finnic-speaking world is

The corpus of traditional riddles from the Finnic-speaking world is

Traditional form of word-play in Finnic-speaking world

The corpus of traditional riddles from the Finnic-speaking world is fairly unitary, though eastern Finnish-speaking regions show particular influence of Russian Orthodox Christianity and Slavonic riddle culture.
The Finnish for 'riddle' is arvoitus, related to the verb arvata and arpa.

Traditional stories featuring riddle-contests

Riddle-tales are traditional stories featuring riddle-contests.
They frequently provide the context for the preservation of ancient riddles for posterity, and as such have both been studied as a narrative form in their own right, and for the riddles they contain.
Such contests are a subset of wisdom contests more generally.
They tend to fall into two groups: testing the wisdom of a king or other aristocrat; and testing the suitability of a suitor.
Correspondingly, the Aarne–Thompson classification systems catalogue two main folktale-types including riddle-contests: AT 927, Outriddling the Judge, and AT 851, The Princess Who Can Not Solve the Riddle.
Such stories invariably include answers to the riddles posed: 'the audience cannot be left dangling'.


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