Cost management case study

  • What is a case study in management?

    A traditional case study presents a management issue or issues calling for resolution and action.
    It generally breaks off at a decision point with the manager weighing a number of different options.
    It puts the student in the decision-maker's shoes and allows the student to understand the stakes involved..

    The traditional view of cost behavior assumes a simple mechanistic relation between cost drivers and costs.
    In contrast, contemporary cost management research recognizes that costs are caused by managers' operating decisions subject to various constraints, incentives, and psychological biases.
This paper analyzes Xiaomi's cost structure from the perspective of cost management and control.Based on the data from 2015 to 2019, the performance 

Analysis of Strategic Situation

At this stage, the company determines its potential and current competitive advantage by examining valued activities and cost drivers which have been specified in the previous stage.
Companies which have competitive strategy of cost leadership are strongly trying to reduce their costs to the level of cost of cost leadership.
Cost leadership


Does environmental cost management influence structural cost management activities?

In the context of environmental costs, this study examines the influence of one executional cost management tool, namely the tracking of environmental costs, on one important structural cost management activity, namely the implementation of environmental initiatives.


How to provide the required information of Cost Management?

Providing the required information of cost management is possible only by establishing a modern system of management accounting including:

  • the design and use of various management accounting tools within the organization.
    Among these tools, there are activity-based costing, target costing, Kaizen costing, product life cycle costing.
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    What is a cost accounting study?

    Most accounting studies address issues related to executional cost management, such as:

  • cost allocation (e.g., allocation of overhead and joint cost, cost driver analysis, activity-based costing, etc.) and cost accounting (cost variance, use of cost information for decision-making, etc.) ( Hesford, Lee, Van der Stede, & Young, 2007 ).
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    What is a cost management strategy?

    A strategic cost management strategy in which cost decisions are made according to the value they add to both the business and the customer is often the most effective strategy a small business can adopt.
    Good financial decisions come from an effective cost management strategy designed to maximize value and minimize both initial and ongoing costs.

    System of managed care in the US used by state Medicaid agencies

    Primary Care Case Management (PCCM) is a system of managed care in the US used by state Medicaid agencies, in which a primary care provider is responsible for approving and monitoring the care of enrolled Medicaid beneficiaries, typically for a small monthly case management fee in addition to fee-for-service reimbursement for treatment.
    In the mid-1980s, states began enrolling beneficiaries in their PCCM programs in an attempt to increase access and reduce inappropriate emergency department and other high cost care.
    Use increased steadily through the 1990s.


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