Cost management user guide

  • What are the uses of cost management?

    Having a good cost management system in place makes it easier for an organization to estimate and allocate its budget.
    Cost management is a form of management accounting that helps a business reduce the chance of going over budget with more accurate forecasts of impending expenditures..

Can I allow users to view billing and Cost Management Console pages?

Allow or deny users permission to view the Billing and Cost Management console pages.
For an example policy, see Allow IAM users to view your billing information in the Billing User Guide.
To allow users to view usage reports, you must allow both ViewUsage and ViewBilling. access the reports console page in the Billing User Guide.


Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at


How do I access AWS cost management products?

AWS Cost Management products are accessible directly through links in the AWS services menu on the AWS Management Console, as well as via the AWS Billing & Cost Management console.
The console can be accessed from the following locations:

  • When you access the console
  • there are a number of ways to manage your costs.
  • ,

    How do I monitor my billing & cost management usage?

    There are several tools available to monitor your Billing and Cost Management usage.
    AWS Cost and Usage Reports tracks your AWS usage and provides estimated charges associated with your account.
    Each report contains line items for each unique combination of AWS products, usage type, and operation that you use in your AWS account.


    How does Oracle cost management user's guide work?

    2 – 42 Oracle Cost Management User’s Guide updated, costs that exist only in the To cost type are left unchanged.
    The system compares total costs to determine which costs to update.
    The system does not compare by sub–element.
    New cost information only:

  • Costs that do not exist in the To cost type are copied; all other costs are left unchanged.
  • ,

    Intended Audience

    Welcome to Release 12.2 of the Oracle Cost Management User's Guide.
    This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of the following:.
    1) The principles and customary practices of your business area..
    2) Oracle Cost Management.If you have never used Oracle Cost Management, then Oracle suggests you attend one or more of the Oracle Cost Management trai.


    Related Information Sources

    Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide This guide explains how to navigate, enter and query data, and run concurrent requests using the user interface (UI) of Oracle E-Business Suite.
    It includes information on setting preferences and customizing the UI.
    In addition, this guide describes accessibility features and keyboard shortcuts for Oracle E-Busi.


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