Logical and creative thinking examples

  • What is a good example of logical thinking?

    Identifying the problem, acquiring relevant facts, analyzing probable causes, and testing alternative remedies methodically are all examples of logical reasoning.
    By following a logical procedure, you may narrow down the problem and develop an effective solution based on data and reasoning..

  • It is similar to critical thinking.
    Logical thinking uses reasoning skills to objectively study any problem, which helps make a rational conclusion about how to proceed.
    For example, you are facing a problem in the office, to address that, you use the available facts, you are using logical reasoning skills.
  • Yes, absolutely.
    People tend to think of themselves as either analytical or creative thinkers, and this is true to an extent, in that most people lean more towards one side or the other.
    However, skills are often less innate than people think they are.
Dec 25, 2016Logical thinking is based on the concept of Patternicity. It is the tendency of a human mind to construct patterns and to look for patterns inĀ 
Dec 25, 2016Most of the creative thinkers use the right side of their brain. The love of nature, arts, music, painting and beauty comes from the right sideĀ 
According to Roger von Oech, logical thinkers often focus on the differences among things, while creative thinkers look for similarities and connections between things. For example, a logical thinker might say that a brick and a rubber band are members of two completely different sets.

Do logical thinkers think differently than creative thinkers?

That logic, however, sometimes gets in the way of creativity.
According to Roger von Oech, logical thinkers often focus on the differences among things, while creative thinkers look for similarities and connections between things.
For example, a logical thinker might say that a brick and a rubber band are members of two completely different sets.


What are examples of creative thinking?

Creative thinking is the production of non-obvious ideas that are valuable and actionable.
The following are common examples of creative thinking techniques.
The process of spitting out ideas without much thought.
Prevents the common tendency for people to hold back their bravest ideas for fear of criticism.


What are examples of logical thinking?

Logical thinking is one of many useful modes of thinking alongside other approaches such as:

  • divergent thinking
  • counterfactual thinking
  • design thinking and emotional intelligence.
    The following are illustrative examples of logical thinking.
    The process of inferring new facts from known facts.

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