Creative thinking course outline

  • What are the concepts of creative thinking?

    Creative thinking involves students learning to generate and apply new ideas in specific contexts, seeing existing situations in a new way, identifying alternative explanations, and seeing or making new links that generate a positive outcome..

  • What is the summary of creative thinking?

    What is creative thinking? Creative thinking refers to using abilities and soft skills to come up with new solutions to problems.
    Creative thinking skills are techniques used to look at the issue from different and creative angles, using the right tools to assess it and develop a plan..

  • While grades and overall GPA reflect content mastery, students are also assigned CTI scores based on a 4-point rubric that explicitly defines essential elements of Creative Thinking: Fluency, Flexibility, Originality, Elaboration, Curiosity, Risk-taking, Complexity, Imagination, and Value.
Course OutlineFreeing the Creative 'Bird'Journalling your ideas and thoughtsBody and formation of an ideaBrainstorming Rules and TechniquesBuilding on 

Course Objectives

The objective of this Creative Thinking training program is to enable you to—.
1) Understand Creativity Thinking and how it works.
2) Stimulate new habits of thinking to create a constant flow of unique ideas.
3) Use several creative thinking techniques and methods.
4) Learn how to be a problem solver in various situations.
5) Develop new ideas and stra.


Is creative thinking a problem in a work environment?

Fueling creative thinking can be a difficult endeavor, especially in a work environment.
Creativity doesn’t always come naturally, and it’s not uncommon for staff to feel stuck at times, especially when there are approaching deadlines and additional stress factors.


Organisational Benefits

Organizations employees taking up this Creative Thinking Training Course will benefit in the following ways:.
1) The employees will contribute ideas that help in organizational development.
2) There would be a better teamwork and team bonding.
3) Organizations will start to see increased engagement and interaction by employees.
4) There will be better .


Personal Benefits

Individuals attending the Creative Thinking Training Course will have the below advantages:.
1) They will learn life skills that better the quality of social life.
2) Employees will have an improved ability and clearer thinking capabilities.
3) Individuals tend to seek multiple options in any given scenario.
4) They learn to set aside pre-conceived jud.


Training Methodology

We at Zoe Talent Solutions offer to customize your training courses to suit your training requirements based on your professional background.
Our trainers will ensure that the training is in line with your organizational and work objectives.
The course will be very interactive and participation is highly encouraged.
You will have group discussions,.


What is the creative thinking course?

This course uses a variety of interactive methods, such as:

  • self-awareness tests
  • exercises using newly learned creative techniques
  • games
  • lateral thinking exercises
  • puzzles
  • case studies
  • and video clips with in-depth discussions.
    Discover how to apply creative thinking in work-related situations and foster organizational creativity enablers .
  • ,

    Who Should Attend?

    Individuals at all levels looking to become more positive, confident, expressive, and productive in the corporate world and their personal lives should attend this program.
    Business intellectuals, policymakers, trend-setters, organizers, top management, managers, supervisors, and executives would require these practical sessions to improve their th.


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