Creative thinking pdf download

  • Creative thinking books

    Creative problem-s

  • Creative thinking books

    What is creative thinking? Creative thinking refers to using abilities and soft skills to come up with new solutions to problems.
    Creative thinking skills are techniques used to look at the issue from different and creative angles, using the right tools to assess it and develop a plan..

  • How do you get creative thinking?

    In A Rut?

    1. Journal By Hand
    2. Immerse Yourself In New Experiences
    3. Read Books Outside Your Comfort Zone
    4. Engage In Brainstorming Sessions
    5. Join A Mastermind Group
    6. Learn Something New
    7. Ask More Questions
    8. Seek Out New Perspectives

  • What are the steps of creative thinking process?

    These stages were originally outlined by social psychologist Graham Wallace in his 1926 book The Art of Thought and are largely agreed upon by creatives today.

    Stage One: Preparation. Stage Two: Incubation. Stage Three: Illumination. Stage Four: Evaluation. Stage Five: Verification..

Affinity Diagrams

After a brainstorming session, meeting or research you end up with a load of information that needs to be sorted through and categorized.
This is where the affinity diagramcomes.
The affinity diagram helps you group your data based on themes.
This makes it easier to detect patterns and connections among the information you have gathered, thus allow.



Brainstorming is one of the most popular methods of idea generation.
You can go about this individually or with a group of people.
In group brainstorming, you have the ability to collect many creative ideas from people with diverse skillsand experience.
There are many brainstorming techniques out there, and some handy visual brainstorming technique.


Concept Map

The concept mapis a teaching and learning techniques that help visualize the connections between concepts and ideas.
It helps organize thoughts and discover new relationships, ideas or concepts.
Check out our guide to concept mapsto learn about how to use it in more detail.


Mind Map

The mind mapstarts with the key concept you are brainstorming around in the center.
Related ideas are connected to the center with lines.
It helps you capture your free flow of thoughts and organize them on a canvas in a way that will later allow you to discover new connections that will let you arrive at a possible solution.
Because it connects bo.


Mood Board

A mood board – like a collage – is a collection of images, fonts, icons colors, etc. that is representative of a particular theme or style.
Mood boardsare also known as inspiration boards and commonly used in design projects.
Here’s how to use a mood board.


Scamper Technique

SCAMPER is another successful creative thinking technique that is used to spark creativity during brainstorming.
SCAMPER stands for seven thinking approaches,.
1) Substitute.
2) Combine.
3) Adapt.
4) Modify.
5) Put to another use.
6) Eliminate.
7) Reverse Learn how to generate new ideas using the SCAMPER methodhere.


Six Thinking Hats

Each hat in the six thinking hats method represents a different perspective.
It is used during meetings or brainstorming sessions to allow team members to look at possible solutions from different perspectives or thinking directions.
Each hat represents a different thinking angle, and during the session, each member will get to put it on in turn.



Storyboards are a way to visually organize ideas.
It’s a common tool used in video planning.
Say you are planning a TV advertisement, you can start with a storyboard to graphically organize the ideas in your head.
As you lay them out on a storyboard, you’d be able to quickly mold the idea in your head.


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