Creative thinking can be defined as

  • Types of creative thinking

    Detailed Solution
    Key Points Creativity is related to the concept of 'divergent thinking' as creativity to the ability to identify or prepare original and divergent solutions to problems.
    Divergent thinking refers to: a way of solving problems with more than one approach..

  • What can creativity be defined as?

    Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others..


Creative thinking can be enhanced
Creative thinking does not necessarily include
How creative thinking can be measured
How creative thinking can benefit businesses
Creative thinking i can statements
Barriers to creative thinking can include
Explain how creative thinking can benefit businesses
Creative thinking for assignment
Creative thoughts for students
Creative thoughts for instagram
Creative thought for the day
Creative thought for
Things to do to be creative
When creative thinking
How to develop creative thinking
When to use creative thinking
5 stages of creative thinking
Creative thinking is a example of
Creative thinking is not facilitated by which of the following
Creative thinking is also known as