Turn excuses into creative thinking

  • What are the factors that promote creative thinking?

    There are six resources for creativity namely, (.

    1. Intelligence, (
    2. Knowledge, (
    3. Thinking Styles, (
    4. Personality, (
    5. Motivation, and (
    6. Environment (Sternberg & Lubart, 1993)

  • What makes creative thinking?

    They look at ideas from multiple perspectives and examine how their solutions fit into the scope of what they're working on.
    Creative thinkers aren't afraid to take risks and try new ideas.
    In fact, this ability to develop, test, and implement original solutions makes them a valuable asset to just about any workplace..

  • What triggers creative thinking?

    Pay attention and adopt a flexible mindset
    Without paying attention to objects, people, and ideas, you will have no creativity.
    Because creativity means building something unique, it's best to start paying attention to all sorts of details.
    Acknowledge them and remember them.
    You'll need them for future creativity..

  • Specifically, creativity often involves coordination between the cognitive control network, which is involved in executive functions such as planning and problem-solving, and the default mode network, which is most active during mind-wandering or daydreaming (Beaty, R.
    E., et al., Cerebral Cortex, Vol. 31, No.
Aug 4, 2017All of us have head trash that consists of limiting beliefs that keep us from our true potential. We hold onto old ideas like they actually help 
Aug 4, 2017We hold onto old ideas like they actually help us, and we do this because it is more comfortable than exploring our true possibilities and 
Nov 2, 2016Most people often think there is a right answer to any problem and hesitate to speak up unless we think we have that right answer. Even if we 

"Stop," Breathe and Be Kind to Yourself

A few weeks ago, I was so tired by the end of Friday that almost all my weekend plans quickly flew out the window.
I saw a friend for breakfast the next day, but there was not a lot of anything else.
By Sunday night, my brain was awash with negative thoughts, "I've wasted the whole weekend." So, I told myself out loud to, "Stop." I practiced some 4.


12 Tips to Turn Those Negative Thoughts Into Positive Actions

It was only when I was first getting to know my partner Leo, and he said, "It feels really great to be around a positive person all the time," that it hit home.
My efforts had turned into habits.
Over time, due to the process of neuroplasticity, habitual negative thinking patterns wear such a path that they become physical neural traits in your bra.


Are Negative Thoughts Impacting Every Area of Your Life?

Perhaps those negative thoughts are always there, perhaps they come and go.
Sometimes they're a day-ruiner.
Sometimes, when they get out of control, you begin to realize that they're a life-ruiner.
Negative thoughts will fester and stop you going for promotions, jobs, friendships, relationships, adventures, and opportunities.
They can stunt persona.


Are you constantly experiencing negative thoughts?


  • If you're constantly experiencing negative thoughts
  • it's important to seek advice from a mental health professional.
    People suffering from depression and anxiety often experience destructive thoughts, that can become incessant and painful.
  • ,

    Coping Under Negative Pressure

    I remember my first time project-managing a huge and complicated web build for a client.
    I was out of my comfort zone, and every little hurdle triggered, "I'm really screwing this up" thoughts.
    Those thoughts knocked my confidence and put me off my game, almost becoming an evil self-fulfilling prophecy.
    At times, I felt utterly paralyzed by them.


    Getting to Know Your Inner Chimp

    When talking with my friend Ellen about writing this blog, she told me that her negative thoughts have increased in strength and frequency since the start of the pandemic.
    That's understandable – we've all been working from home, with our personal spaces functioning as workspaces.
    We've felt bored, isolated, lonely and sluggish.
    All of which increa.


    How do you deal with negative thoughts?

    Acknowledge negative thoughts, don't try to push them away.
    You want them resolved, not buried like seeds, ready to rear their ugly heads again.
    Every day, I record every negative or positive thought, where it happened, why it happened, and who it happened with.
    It helps me identify triggers and turn negative thoughts around next time. 2.


    Negative Thoughts Can Take Many Forms

    The thing about negative thoughts is that they don't usually reflect reality.
    In the 1960s, U.S. psychiatrist Aaron Beck recognized specific patterns to negative thinking, which he called "Cognitive Distortions" or "Distorted Thinking." They're common, entirely normal, and not our fault.
    Beck's pioneering research formed a central part of his cogni.


    Positive Impact of Positive Change

    It was a bit of a wake-up call.
    Now, I'm stricter about when my working days end, and I don't feel so burned out by the weekend.
    I've stopped skipping lunches on busy days and started eating healthier food.
    I feel more creative and confident at work and have the energy to exercise daily and use my free time in a reinvigorating way.
    Take it from me .


    Quiet The Negative Inner Voice

    When our brain senses imminent danger, it triggers the release of stress hormones.
    Adrenalin and Cortisolhelp keep us safe in an emergency, but we're not running from saber-toothed tigers anymore, and too much of these powerful chemicals can make us ill.
    Don't get me wrong, at times this little negative voice can actually be good, "No, I should not.


    Why do we need a creative brain?

    When we understand how the brain functions when we’re under threat or dealing with potentially frightening challenges, it becomes easier to design specific strategies to alleviate the fears that arise both consciously and unconsciously in the face of disruption, thereby supporting creativity.


    Will changing your thoughts change your brain over time?

    Changing your thoughts will physically alter your brain over time.
    Realistic thinking will eventually become second nature, as your brain starts to view you and your talents fairly.
    Maintain positive actions, and you'll soon notice your confidence increase – along with your achievements and opportunities.


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