Increased creative thinking in narcolepsy

  • Are narcoleptic people more creative?

    Most symptoms of narcolepsy (sleepiness, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, but not treatments) were also associated with higher scores of creativity.
    This increased creativity may be a result of more frequent opportunities for patients with narcolepsy to incubate ideas during daytime naps (with REM sleep)..

  • Are people with narcolepsy more creative?

    Most symptoms of narcolepsy (sleepiness, lucid dreaming, hallucinations, but not treatments) were also associated with higher scores of creativity.
    This increased creativity may be a result of more frequent opportunities for patients with narcolepsy to incubate ideas during daytime naps (with REM sleep)..

  • How does narcolepsy affect your ability to think?

    Narcolepsy can also interfere with school and work.
    Sleepiness and pauses in attention can harm performance and may be interpreted as behavioral problems, especially in children.
    Many people with narcolepsy feel stigma related to the condition that can lead to social withdrawal..

  • How does sleep increase creativity?

    The phenomenon attributed to sleep by scientists as 'pattern recognition' dictates that REM sleep is beneficial to the creative process.
    A study has shown that this stage of sleep helps the brain connect unrelated ideas, which in turn aids creative problem-solving..

  • What are the strong emotions of narcolepsy?

    Sometimes narcolepsy also causes a sudden loss of muscle tone, known as cataplexy (KAT-uh-plek-see).
    This can be triggered by strong emotion, especially laughter.
    Narcolepsy is divided into two types.
    Most people with type 1 narcolepsy have cataplexy..

  • Excessive daytime sleepiness may mean that a child or young person has difficulty assimilating information or remembering instructions that have been given to them.
    However, with appropriate support, many children with narcolepsy cope well in school and go on to achieve academic success.
  • Patients with narcolepsy experience excessive daytime sleepiness with rapid entry into REM sleep as well as several symptoms associated with dissociated REM sleep, including cataplexy, hypnagogic hallucinations, sleep paralysis, and REM sleep behavior disorder.
    These patients also report frequent dreams and nightmares.
  • Sometimes narcolepsy also causes a sudden loss of muscle tone, known as cataplexy (KAT-uh-plek-see).
    This can be triggered by strong emotion, especially laughter.
    Narcolepsy is divided into two types.
    Most people with type 1 narcolepsy have cataplexy.
This increased creativity could be explained by the privileged access to REM sleep and dreams enjoyed narcoleptic people and gives them the opportunity to “incubate” their ideas during brief naps during the day. ” This is a strong argument to say that regular access to REM sleep and dreams promotes creativity.
This increased creativity could be explained by the privileged access to REM sleep and dreams enjoyed narcoleptic people and gives them the opportunity to “incubate” their ideas during brief naps during the day. ” This is a strong argument to say that regular access to REM sleep and dreams promotes creativity.
This increased creativity could be explained by the privileged access to REM sleep and dreams enjoyed narcoleptic people and gives them the opportunity to “incubate” their ideas during brief naps during the day. ” This is a strong argument to say that regular access to REM sleep and dreams promotes creativity.


We warmly thank the subjects with narcolepsy and the controls who participated in the study.
The authors obtained permission from HoGrefe to reproduce parts of the EPoC material in this article.



We highlight here that subjects with narcolepsy show higher creative thinking than controls. Sleepiness and dissociated states of REM sleep and wakefulness have a positive impact on the creative profile.
We suggest that this higher performance may be due to more frequent opportunities to incubate and associate ideas during sleep (and especially dur.



The main result here is that subjects with narcolepsy have a higher creative potential than controls, as assessed using creativity profile and achievement questionnaires in a large sample (including subjects from two different countries) and by testing objective creative performance.
The high creative potential in narcolepsy extended to all modes o.


How do you deal with narcolepsy?

Exercise daily.
Exercising for at least 20 minutes per day at least 4 or 5 hours before bedtime also improves sleep quality and can help people with narcolepsy avoid gaining excess weight.
Avoid large, heavy meals right before bedtime.
Eating very close to bedtime can make it harder to sleep.


How does narcolepsy affect the brain?

In the past few decades, scientists have made considerable progress in understanding narcolepsy and identifying genes strongly associated with the disorder.
Groups of neurons in several parts of the brain interact to control sleep, and the activity of these neurons is controlled by a large number of genes.



The poet Saint-Pol-Roux used to hang on his bedroom door every night a sign that read ‘Do not disturb: Poet at work’ (Breton, 1924).
Giving credit to his empiric conception of sleep as a creative muse, Wagner et al. (2004) demonstrated that sleep helps gain insight (i.e. the sudden discovery of a solution).
Among the sleep stages, rapid eye movemen.


Materials and Methods




Characteristics of the samples


What is automatic behavior in narcolepsy?

Automatic behaviors.
Individuals with narcolepsy may experience temporary sleep episodes that can be very brief, lasting no more than seconds at a time.
A person falls asleep during an activity (e.g., eating, talking) and automatically continues the activity for a few seconds or minutes without conscious awareness of what they are doing.


What is the clinical picture of narcolepsy?

The clinical picture of narcolepsy is characterized by 2 major symptoms--excessive daytime sleepiness, attacks of cataplexy and 3 minor symptoms--sleep paralysis, hypnagogic hallucinations and disturbed nighttime sleep which may be found in various combinations. 3.
Nocturnal polysomnography demonstrates characteristic changes in sleep structure.


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